Tagged: Love
pretended to be binary stars this morning
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over coffee this morning we checked out Google Chrome's 3D stellar neighbourhood which is the coolest thing ever.
as a part of our busy day it's always fun to bond over stuff on the internet and make silly remarks and learn a bit together before we part ways
usually it's some dumb image on reddit or a news article we're all fired up about.
today we were talking about binary stars and he took my hands in the living room and we spun around
smiling at each other
and after I went back to brushing my teeth and he combed his hair
we packed lunches and took out the garbage and said
but being a binary star this morning has had me smiling all day
and I need to say it, even though I try not to on the blog
I love you, Tyrone
thanks for being my primary star.
today is Tyrone's birthday
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someone had this to say after meeting him:
"he was a king wherever he went. He walked like one, he behaved like one, and he was the most masculine man that I have ever met in my life."
okay maybe that was actually about clark gable, but the quote fits.
everyone loves tyrone.
the other day I was talking to @adriantrimble about him and we concluded that tyrone is aloof, but in a good way. like he's obviously got way more important shit to be dealing with than to give anyone his full attention
but when he does you feel like the center of the universe.
which is how he makes me feel all the time. auw.
and even when we know we should hate him for doing stupid things
like being obsessed with being a captain
or being obnoxious
or doing bird calls in restaurants over breakfast
or laughing like burt reynolds
or wearing awful costumes
or being a stick in the mud about rental skates
or planning schemes with chris komus
we don't
we just smile n laugh n maybe cover our mouths
(or our eyes)
(or our ears)
and love him a little more for it.
happy birthday, you ridiculous man.
I love you to the moon and back.
you can be Coupland, I'll be Murakami: An Anniversary Post
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today is my three-year anniversary with the greatest man in the world aka tyrone.friday he took me out for a fancy dinner. we put on our coats and bought hot chocolates and walked through the chilly night air and held hands and talked and laughed and it was good. we had red wine and foie gras and pork belly and too many mussels. we walked home. we kissed. it was perfect. I can't even tell you.
this past year has been tough. our toughest yet. I fucked up. he fucked up. we made mistakes and hurt each other and said things that we both wish we could take back. it breaks my heart to think about it. but we're still here.
we're still here.
we drove across the country. we were in a music video. we rocked the winnipeg wine festival. we camped in the mountains. we drank on the river with @rhondalmartens. we brought home a new friend. we manhandled MEME and Folk Fest a week apart. we helped make an awesome mini movie with friends. we watched all the star trek movies.
but not in that order. plus lots more.
I'm looking forward to what we get up to next year.
I love you, Tyrone. thanks for putting up with my shit for another spin around the sun.
happy anniversary.

I'm a sucker for covers
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like today we were listening to this amazing playlist on songza called space age bachelor pad and this song came on that we got up and started dancing to (yeah I know) and then I couldn't find it again
what was it? oh you know, just this cover random of a song from my fair lady by bobby darin
and damn was it a catchy cover
which led to this ridiculous 20+ min search for somewhere I could listen to it again and post here which it turns out is basically impossible. maybe it's to do with the rights on the song or something but it's nowhere to be found, and I had to buy it on itunes the old-fashioned way and have no way to share it with y'alls.
oh well, you get this wicked cake cover instead.
remember cake? how could you forget?
well I did, for a while actually and was only reminded that they existed a few years back when tyrone came over just after we'd started seeing each other. you know that phase where you make sure to gargle mouthwash and sweep yr place and make sure you didn't leave a bunch of hair in the bathroom? yeah, then.
we were having an origami date which involved sitting on the floor in my tiny living room drinking red wine on a weeknight (which I rarely do) and eating grapes and cheese and make elegant paper cranes which I was awful at and of course tyrone excelled at doing. of course.
and I don't remember why but he put on short skirt long jacket and I was blown away by the cleverness of the lyrics that honestly I'd just never really paid attention to as a stupid kid when it came out.
I think I fell in love with him a little more because he reintroduced me to cake. but don't tell him that.
afterwards he sang along to their cover of strangers in the night while we sat on the couch and it's one of my favourite songs ever and that was basically it. I was done for, totally head-over-heels.
that's all it took.
Here's what I want
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I want a soulmate who can sit me down, shut me up, tell me ten things I don’t already know, and make me laugh. I don’t care what you look like, just turn me on. And if you can do that, I will follow you on bloody stumps through the snow. I will nibble your mukluks with my own teeth. I will do your windows. I will care about your feelings. Just have something in there.
- Henry Rollins
It's Wednesday, I'm in love
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sitting at my desk taking a break from doing the boringest thing ever which is entering AP invoices into SAP and I can't believe I get paid what I get paid to do this. it should either be way more or way less depending on how you look at it but I'll take the money and run, thank you.
but it's lunchtime right now and I'm eating this crazy three-cheese pasta and half a porkchop stuffed with pear and goat cheese which is leftover from the weekend which leads me to the title of this post
because nobody is actually in love with wednesday, ever.
saturday Tyrone made me this crazy dinner which consisted of the stuff I just mentioned and we hung a sheet up over the flatscreen on the living room wall and hooked up the projector instead.
we put blankets on the floor and set it up all picnic-like.
I put out tons of candles all around the living room so there was sexy time mood lighting.
we picked the movie Solaris which isn't really a date-time movie but we have to be different somehow, I guess.
we ate our dinner, set up pillows and blankets on the floor and lay down together to watch the movie
and fell asleep before the movie even ended.
which some would consider to be a colossal loss, but not me.
because we still made a nice dinner together and still put a ton of effort into having a nice at-home date on a saturday night, which is more than a lot of almost-three-years-together couples do. even if they fall asleep together because omg it'd been a long week for both of us.
and now I have leftovers to make my wednesday better.
Dear Tyrone
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today is our two-year anniversary and there are some things I want to say to you:
I'm sorry about all the stupid things I do. like the time I got drunk & fell off my bike and yelled at you and accidentally locked you out of the apartment and then fell out of bed (awesome story!). for being a sore loser when we play Mario Kart and I suck. for sometimes brushing my teeth when you're in the shower (oops). for wine blackouts. for being impatient. for touching your toenails because I know you don't like it. for not always remembering to read the expiration dates. for not being a morning person. for liking really awful kitschy garbage. for wearing your fuzzy socks when my feet get cold. and for pewts.
thank you for putting up with my clicky thumbs (I'm sorry! really!). for making me coffee and breakfast every morning. for telling me that the amount of belly button lint you have in your belly button is directly proportional to how much you love me that day. for teaching me to cook. for encouraging me to n3rd out hard and play video games all day. for IKEA. for holding me when I cry. for cracking my toes. for turning me into an Apple fangirl. for buying me flowers. for making me laugh till I fall over. for being honest when I ask you if my outfit makes me look fat. for always letting me pick the music. for understanding that I DO need two closets and most of our dresser for all my clothes & shoes. for pyaws and bwehs. for PD hits. and for (you know).
I think you're an absolutely wonderful person and every day with you is amazing.
I love you.

Recently someone told me
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"I didn't even realize you and Ty were dating"earlier, during the weekend, someone commented to me that we don't
'act like a couple' in public
and honestly it was starting to bother me
maybe there was something wrong with us?
shouldn't I want to always be sitting with him?
holding his hand? kissing his cheek?
when we go out together we'll spend most of the time socializing with other people, and while it's totally normal to me I'd never considered that others might find it odd
apparently it's unusual
I found this today, though, that made me feel better
it's from an article on autostraddle featuring wisdom from Emily Post, and this is how it goes:
Great love is seldom flaunted in public, though it very often shows itself in pride—that is a little obvious, perhaps. This underlying tenderness and pride which is at the base of the attitude of each, only glints beneath the surface of perfect comradeship. Their frank approval of whatever the other may do or say is very charming; and even more so is their obvious friendliness toward all people, of wanting the whole world beautiful for all because it is so beautiful to them.

I couldn't agree more.
I feel better now :)