Tagged: Random

next door neighbour

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laughs really loudly
watches action films
either has friends over a lot
or has many phone conversations
writes passive-aggressive notes
leaves his nice leather shoes out in the hall
has a bachelor suite
doesn't like when I play my music too loud
but still holds the door open in the mornings
if we're leaving at the same time.


Hip Hop Sunday #64 Miguel - Kaleidoscope Dreams

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much needed weekend in.

spent most of it so far on schoolwork

completed 2 papers, 1 proposal, 17 pages of transcribing (whew)

did 2 workouts

had 2 amazing dinners (sushi on friday, nachos on sat)

watched 2 movies (jiro dreams of sushi & der weisse band)


it's time to take a day off 'cause this weeks been a bitch, kinda

relax & chill the f out

and enjoy

hiphop sunday.

hope you do too, xox

remember those crazy chain emails we used to get?

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apparently they're on facebook now


just made myself start choking

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which sucked.

reached over for my glass of water which it turns out wasn't full at all anymore. but you know when there's nothing left in your glass and you're like

no I can make this work. there's a thirst quenching drop in there dammit.

so you tilt the glass back real far, like your head is facing the ceiling far and this one piddly little drop slooooowly slides down to your mouth and you're like

ome yes my thirst is quenched by that impossible little drop!

well this time I stupidly inhaled while it was rolling down my throat which means I started choking on a single drop like an idiot

so I'm rolling around in my computer chair hacking and coughing and cartwheeling with my arms and thinking

holy hell I'm going to die from choking on this single drop and tyrone is going to come home and find me dead and it's going to ruin our night out

because when you're freaked out you think stupid things.

anyway obviously I didn't choke to death which is good. can you imagine my family telling people that?

"alyson died in a freak water droplet accident"

bet you're glad I spared you that humiliation eh mom and dad?

you're welcome!

today is Tyrone's birthday

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someone had this to say after meeting him:

"he was a king wherever he went. He walked like one, he behaved like one, and he was the most masculine man that I have ever met in my life."

okay maybe that was actually about clark gable, but the quote fits.

everyone loves tyrone.

the other day I was talking to @adriantrimble about him and we concluded that tyrone is aloof, but in a good way. like he's obviously got way more important shit to be dealing with than to give anyone his full attention

but when he does you feel like the center of the universe.

which is how he makes me feel all the time. auw.

and even when we know we should hate him for doing stupid things
like being obsessed with being a captain
or being obnoxious
or doing bird calls in restaurants over breakfast
or laughing like burt reynolds
or wearing awful costumes
or being a stick in the mud about rental skates
or planning schemes with chris komus

we don't

we just smile n laugh n maybe cover our mouths
(or our eyes)
(or our ears)

and love him a little more for it.

happy birthday, you ridiculous man.

I love you to the moon and back.


Hip Hop Sunday # 63 Deltron 3030 - Things You Can Do

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yesterday was half pints, skating and méstival (féstival)

(photos and possible gifs to come)

today is hang and play video games in pyjamas

(resting my poor legs)

hope you're enjoying the long weekend

on this laid back hip hop sunday.



it's the long weekend so you know what that means

- by admin

ooooooooh yes it is!

your blog sucks

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buddy told me the other day over coffee.

you don't write about 'the issues' he said

you don't elaborate on yr political opinions

you don't slam anyone or call people out

you don't badmouth bitches and start blog wars

you don't spill yr guts when you and tyrone have a fight

you don't go on about how you love him to the moon & back

you don't talk about yr mom, yr work, or yr sex life.

your blog sucks.

and I looked at him and said

yeah maybe that's true

but you still read it every day.

you know I never liked modest mouse

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dude I dated a few years ago was super into them.

he used to play their cds in his car all the time.

it sucked because and he would always do super-sweet things like wake up early to pick me up and take me to work even when it was his day off.

but on the mornings he'd play modest mouse it was just ruined.

I know, I know. I should be thankful that he even went out of his way in the first place. and I was.

don't get me wrong.

but their music is so intrusive and annoying and it was really hard to have a conversation

with modest mouse blasting over everything I said

especially first thing in the morning.

it's important to pick the right music to listen to when you start yr day

I'd tell him

which is why I always pick something super upbeat.

a nice 90's playlist or cbc radio 3. y'know.

but this guy

his alarm in the mornings was the intro to chop suey by system of a down

which was probably the worst thing to wake up to ever

then he'd rush out the door and listen to modest mouse in the mornings in his car

and then be mad all day.

I don't get people.

Hip Hop Sunday #61 Kendrick Lamar - Swimming Pools (Drank)

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there are only a few things that are appropriate to do in this kind of cold

sleep in

play video games

or board games

drink beer

eat snacks


spend time with lovely people

(though that's always a good choice)

yesterday we were able to do all of those things.

so, a successful weekend, I think.

happy hip hop sunday.

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