Tagged: Random
Yes we are eating popcorn in bed
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One of the great things about being an adult is getting to do what you want.
What I want at the end of most nights is to sit around in my underpants with the laptop in bed with my significant other and maybe the cats and usually tea and sometimes a snack.
Tonight for instance we are eating popcorn with sour cream n onion seasoning.
Which is wonderful for me because I was working on university stuff all night and forgot to have dinner and didn't realize till we were halfway through our evening when my tummy was all
wtf put food in me you dummy
and I was like
shit. I'd better get on that.
So here I am writing this drinking tea and eating popcorn with my significant other which is crazy to me because a few years ago I was dating someone who picked a fight with me over this very thing.
I've only ever really seriously cohabited with one person and pretty early on after moving in together I was reading a book having a snack in bed and he flipped out.
I was all
It's not big deal. Just some cheese n crackers and I'm holding the plate.
But he flipped the heck out and we had this big crazy fight and it boggled my mind because who doesn't have a lazy snack in their own bed once and a while?
The reason I thought of that was because as we were both reaching for more popcorn my hand hit Tyrone's and some popcorn got on the bed and instead of flipping out we cleaned it like it was no biggie
which it wasn't.
So now I'm sitting here blogging about it and he's reading and we're about to go turn the lights down
and I'm thinking about how funny it is that people can be so different
and how I really want some cheese n crackers.
Mitch Hurwitz just made my day
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Hi, Mr. Hurwitz
I want to download/buy the song "Getaway" by Mark Cherry to use it as a ringtone, how can I have it?
We are really working on it, actually! It's tricky because 20th doesn't really have a record label, which a lot of the other studios do, so they don't have a mechanism in place, but all of David's music is so great and I really want to get it out there.
read the rest of his awesome AMA on Reddit here
Had a dream about Rob Ford last night
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and my parents and brothers were there and for some reason we were touring his house which of course was in Toronto, even in my dream.He had this wife who kinda looked like Sandy Hogan which was weird because 1. I've never seen The Hogan Family and 2. I've never seen Rob Ford's wife

(I'm assuming he's married but I dunno, who marries someone like him?)
Anyway we were walking around "his house" getting a tour for some reason
-maybe we won a contest or something-
and it was this super dumpy stucco monstrosity with trash and clothes and cardboard boxes everywhere.
I went into the garage and there was all this hockey stuff
(net, sticks, goalie pads, etc)
and I was all
"Rob Ford you can't even run, wtf do you have this for?"
and he was all
"I used to be an NHL star but I ate too many hams so I had to quit the team
now I'm the mayor of TO instead"
and we left Rob Ford's house and walked through his 'hood
there were people yelling and fights on the street and it was kinda scary
and I remember my dream-self thinking
"poor Rob Ford
If I had to go through life being you, I'd probably smoke crack too"
What's funny is that when I woke up I still felt the same way.
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tried Modern Taco for the first timedrank beers on a Friday afternoon

listened to the Great Gatsby soundtrack on repeat
danced in spring rain
got my first cheque from Vine
worked out at least once every day
had a wine buzz
bought a badass mink coat for $50
landed a new job
and loved.
Every minute of err'y damn day.
Good things do happen.
got hit on in Value Village the other day
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dear friend John is having a party tonight which involved wearing pyjamas and playing in blanket forts and eating sleepover food. oh and drinking, of course, because that makes it acceptable for adults to do these kinds of ridiculous things.
which meant on thursday we went to Value Village with Kat & John and scoped out random clothes and also more blankets with which to make the aforementioned amazing fort.
at one point I went over to scope the book section as I usually do. I think all but one of my Margaret Atwood books have come from VV and a lot of other books in my library, too, so I always go over to scope out which books people don't want to read anymore.
so I round the corner walking with the kind of determination that you only get while in a store filled with people slowly walking with huge shopping carts and almost walk smack into this dude
I apologize and step around him and start examining the 'literature' section because obviously that's what I read, right?
and I'm standing there surveying the books and you know that feeling you get when you know someone is looking at you? I'm getting that hardcore so I turn and look at the dude in the aisle with me with an espression I hope is conveying the following sentiment:
one eyebrow cocked and everything and sure enough he's looking at me and looks away and I look away because not it's extra-weird and he goes
you look really nice this evening
and runs out of the aisle.
which made it extra awkward when later on while looking through obnoxious suit combo outfits he came around the corner and we made eye contact and he ducked behind a rack of jeans to avoid me. awesome.
but Tyrone is playing Skyward Sword and we're both tearing up, so I'd better go before the waterworks turn on.
unrelated to my earlier story but this game is so sweet.
pretended to be binary stars this morning
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over coffee this morning we checked out Google Chrome's 3D stellar neighbourhood which is the coolest thing ever.
as a part of our busy day it's always fun to bond over stuff on the internet and make silly remarks and learn a bit together before we part ways
usually it's some dumb image on reddit or a news article we're all fired up about.
today we were talking about binary stars and he took my hands in the living room and we spun around
smiling at each other
and after I went back to brushing my teeth and he combed his hair
we packed lunches and took out the garbage and said
but being a binary star this morning has had me smiling all day
and I need to say it, even though I try not to on the blog
I love you, Tyrone
thanks for being my primary star.
Sitting on a campus bench: a poem
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uncomfortable benches
in the lobby of Centennial Hall
people crammed together
on their smart phones
individual worlds.
heavy escalator traffic
going up
going down
am I late for class?
most girls wear their hair up
lululemon head bands
lululemon everything
nice bums.
oh hello
three piece suit guy
where did you come from
where are you going?
I'd follow you but
my legs hurt from my run
had a dream about classes ending last night
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and I always have weird dreams about school or vacations or my job or whatever I have looming right away in life.
in this dream I walked into my visual rhetoric class and my prof
-who of course isn't the actual prof that teaches the class because then it wouldn't be a dream-
was all
"okay we're going to have a term exam as well as the final exam so open yr books and two of the questions listed"
which honestly freaked me out (in my dream) because we hadn't been told about any term exam so I was freaking out a bit and my friend @JohnNorman was there and his wife also who is super smart and they both told me it wouldn't be an issue because I was smart, too.
except I didn't remember reading the books mentioned in the term exam questions
one of the questions asked about how the changing hairstyles of one of the secondary characters represented their internal conflicts (struggles?) and I was all
I have no idea how changing personal styles represent developing and resolving internal conflicts
wtf am I doing in university
and I was freaking out because johnny khemlab had already written two pages and I hadn't written anything yet and for some reason I was carrying around all these papers in my bag. like weird looseleaf pages from old homework and hand-outs and crap that I didn't need but had for some reason.
so I'm going through this huge pile of paper because I'm trying to find my lecture notes so I can answer these questions and not get an F on my term exam
stressing hard because it's almost the end of the term how could I be so disorganized and not be able to remember what the changing hairstyles mean at a critical moment?!
then the cats decided to walk on my face and yell at me which woke me up
so that solved that problem.
I also had another dream about a strange man who followed me around a scrapyard as I made art from sand but that's another story.
my older astronaut crush is good at reddit
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maybe it's because he's charming or maybe because he's in space or maybe because he's a canuck like me, I totally have a thing for chris hadfield.
not in the like 'let's do it' kinda way though
but in the like 'let's high five and drink beers because you could be my dad or cool uncle' kinda way
kinda how I loved jack layton
I love this dude
(maybe it's the moustaches?)
anyway the astronaut who makes my heart go pitter-pat wrote a cute little post on reddit today that made me smile:
Hi all. My son alerted me to the thread, and although I'm racing around (the world) today, I wanted to pop in to give my sincerest thanks and gratitude for all the support I've received from this eclectic online community.
The AMAs, general discussions and feedback have all been tremendous. I am genuinely humbled by the response we've had so far. To those who asked questions, provided answers where I couldn't, helped create visibility for the space program or even upvoted a photo - you are actively making a difference. Every little step forward, and every new eye opened is proactive movement towards a sustained and well-supported space program, and thus better understanding of the universe and our Earth's place in it.
Thank you reddit. Sincerely.
all the thank-you's are how you know he's canadian ;)