Tagged: gifs
pickin' up the pieces
- by admin
almost the weekend. dance. have some wine. enjoy the shit out of it.

life's all
- by admin

"I'm gonna stress you out today for no good reason!"
and I'm like
I found this awesome gif while trolling on the Internet
drinking coffee
listening to Chromatics
warm as fck
while it's -40 outside
so you can suck it
you can be Coupland, I'll be Murakami: An Anniversary Post
- by admin
today is my three-year anniversary with the greatest man in the world aka tyrone.friday he took me out for a fancy dinner. we put on our coats and bought hot chocolates and walked through the chilly night air and held hands and talked and laughed and it was good. we had red wine and foie gras and pork belly and too many mussels. we walked home. we kissed. it was perfect. I can't even tell you.
this past year has been tough. our toughest yet. I fucked up. he fucked up. we made mistakes and hurt each other and said things that we both wish we could take back. it breaks my heart to think about it. but we're still here.
we're still here.
we drove across the country. we were in a music video. we rocked the winnipeg wine festival. we camped in the mountains. we drank on the river with @rhondalmartens. we brought home a new friend. we manhandled MEME and Folk Fest a week apart. we helped make an awesome mini movie with friends. we watched all the star trek movies.
but not in that order. plus lots more.
I'm looking forward to what we get up to next year.
I love you, Tyrone. thanks for putting up with my shit for another spin around the sun.
happy anniversary.

rain rain go away
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but don't turn into snow instead!oh damn.
as my entire twitter/facebook feeds will tell you, the weather wasn't so hot in my hometown today.
they don't call us 'winterpeg' for nothing, right?
luckily I have these new babies to keep me warm while I truck around outside in the chilly weather.

stay warm my sweets! it's not nice out there.
Got an invitation in the mail today
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Kat & John, I love you guys
see you at the party!
baby you know I love Fridays
- by admin
spending my day teaching excel to seniors like a boss
and bringing home the bacon
cause when you spend all week
takin names & poppin (Tylenol Extra Strength) caps
eventually you've gotta make a break for it
this weekend's going to be all about relaxing
chilling with Tyrone and some friends
having some drinks & watching sports (who knew?)
and getting my groove on
but I'll still come back and blog for you, baby
because I love ya
and I know you want some 'o this
so make the best of your two days off
see a movie, wash your car, eat an entire pizza
spend some time with your friends
and someone you love
just make sure you enjoy it
happy weekend
Shaner out.
Welcome to Winter
- by admin
Truth be told I actually love Winter.
Maybe not the -40 days (definitely not), but I always feel a bit giddy when we get our first snowfall. There's something wonderful about Winter that I can't help but fall in love with every year.