Tagged: inspector-gadget
remember back before The Internet?
- by admin
yeah I try not to, eitherthose were much darker days, without 4chan and reddit and 2 girls 1 cup
okay maybe we could do without that last one

last night we watched a flick called 'Streets of Fire'
with hot 18yr old Diane Lane & Willem Dafoe in leather overalls
and 80s power ballads
which we fist-pumped & lip-synced to from the couch
and afterward Tyrone was all like
"hey wanna see something weird?"
and told me that when he was a kid he was watching Inspector Gadget
and his sister put on a Bonnie Tyler LP
and they matched up
and thanks to the magic of The Internet
I can show you
what Tyrone and his sister discovered
before The Internet.
so mute & watch this: