Tagged: occupywallstreet
Yesterday was super chilly
- by admin
and I would have rather not been outside.this super blurry & dark photo was taken outside, however, at the #OccupyWinnipeg event last night. My Politics and the Mass Media prof brought us to check out a meeting they were having to see how they resolved their issues as a collective, as well as to talk to them about why they were camping out when it was nearly below zero, and why they felt it was important.

lots of things were discussed including organizing meals, security, the placement of the tents, building a barrier for the North wind (since Memorial Park where they are located is pretty much an open space in front of the Legislative building), raising money for a portable toilet, etc.
naturally I was live tweeting the event

I have to say that I really admire people taking a stand for what they believe in, no matter what the reason. It's unfortunate that local media seem to be dismissive not only of the rally held in solidarity with #OccupyWallStreet on Saturday, but also with these people peacefully protesting in Memorial Park. I've never really gone out and protested so I can't speak to this personally, but claims that these people are just 'playing along' or 'don't know why they're there' generally seem to be from people who haven't even taken the time to go down there and listen (if not be a part of) the process.
We live in a Democracy, and these people have a right to be on Crown land protesting for what they believe in, both in the lawful sense and in the sense that they live in a country which apparently supports that. It would be nice if local media could at least attempt to shine a positive light on their efforts (in particular one right-wing throwaway paper has been particularly negative).
And besides, if they really didn't believe in what they were protesting, I highly doubt they'd be out there in the cold night after night in downtown Winnipeg. I know I sure couldn't handle that.
Rats off to ya, #OccupyWinnipeg!

If you want to help out or donate to the #OccupyWinnipeg cause, you can visit their website or the FaceBook page.