Tagged: smokey-tiger

did I tell you smoky tiger rocked our socks the other night?

- by admin

actually to be correct they rocked the collective socks of everyone present at The Standard as they, bathed beneath glaring red/orange light covering nothing but Nirvana and The Doors songs with some banter in between.

usually they sing songs about Manitoba and weird Canadian history stuff but tonight was extra-special because they covered amazing songs sung amazingly by other people before them

and guys they rocked it

there isn't much room for dancing at The Standard but some people were cutting rugs but not your hero because I'm too self-conscious to dance all slow to slow Nirvana songs and not wound up enough to jump around all mosh-like to the fast Nirvana songs

and do you even dance to The Doors or do you just sit around and smoke joints and drink beers and listen and be amazed? because I've never seen anyone dance to The Doors

but I saw people dancing to Smoky Tiger singing The Doors while wearing a tiger hat with paws on a Saturday night

and that's close enough for me.


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