Tagged: videos-2
you know I never liked modest mouse
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dude I dated a few years ago was super into them.
he used to play their cds in his car all the time.
it sucked because and he would always do super-sweet things like wake up early to pick me up and take me to work even when it was his day off.
but on the mornings he'd play modest mouse it was just ruined.
I know, I know. I should be thankful that he even went out of his way in the first place. and I was.
don't get me wrong.
but their music is so intrusive and annoying and it was really hard to have a conversation
with modest mouse blasting over everything I said
especially first thing in the morning.
it's important to pick the right music to listen to when you start yr day
I'd tell him
which is why I always pick something super upbeat.
a nice 90's playlist or cbc radio 3. y'know.
but this guy
his alarm in the mornings was the intro to chop suey by system of a down
which was probably the worst thing to wake up to ever
then he'd rush out the door and listen to modest mouse in the mornings in his car
and then be mad all day.
I don't get people.
almost nap time
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which will be my third one today because I'm sick. still. I'm kind of cranky mostly because I can never get sick like a regular person and be like "omg I'm bedridden for two days" sick or even get the flu properly. I just get sinus headaches and migraines which means I'm lying on the couch waiting to get better while my mind jumps to a million different places. like today.
to make matters worse when I woke up this morning I realized that there was nothing to eat in the apartment because it had been to cold to go grocery shopping on the weekend. which meant that I had to bundle up and pop a bunch of tylenol and go to the corner store. which isn't really as bad as it sounds but when yr sick everything is a million times worse.
for instance right now I'm drinking green tea and watching SOTC under a blanket but all I can think of is
fuck I wish I wasn't feeling like ass right now
instead of
wow I'm kinda lucky I'm sick because I don't have to go out in -40 weather while everyone else does
because I'm an idiot. a sick, stuffy idiot who is going to go back to sleep.
George Carlin always knows just what to say
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because, yeah, fuck lance armstrong
I'm sick of hearing about him.
I really admired george. still do, even though he's gone
that guy made a living trolling the world, and was good at it.
which is a rare thing, let me tell you.
as a recovering troll (it's true)
nothing gets under my skin more than internet trolls
because they're never arguing valid, well-articulated points
unlike a good real-life troll. that's a skill.
as @Gramiq put it:

which is why george carlin was such a genius.
I can't write today
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like how I had coffee with one of the former mayors of my city (the only female one, look it up)
and she said that she thought I would really go far
that she thought my project was "really important work"
told me in an email after we parted ways that
she feels proud of me even though she doesn't really know me at all
which was really nice.
we finally watched solaris so I can stop bringing it up
watch it all in one go or at max two
because by the third try everything's all disjointed and
probably not as creepy as it would have been
if you'd just stayed awake the whole time
we're making a snack which is a pita pizza
it's got sundried tomatoes and cheese on it
and nothing else
because it's fucking cold outside and there is
chance in hell that I'm bundling up to go to the store
or that I'm going to make tyrone do it
(sometimes I can be nice)
my friend @cenquist and a few others
(@adriantrimble @benquist @brennanlumsdon to name a few)
made a short film during the summer called
The Pint of Justice
in which yr hero and tyrone make cameo appearances
(and you can watch at the end of this post)
where upon watching
I learned that
watching myself
touching adrian's chin makes me feel uncomfortable.
any other day I could have probably pulled all of these into
at least
a somewhat entertaining post
(or several!)
but not today
it's just one of those nowriting days
which are basically worse than anything when yr a writer
I think Tyrone is mad at me
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why else would he have not told me that the men without hats have apparently gotten back together and released a track?!
I would have never guessed the band that are responsible for the safety dance would come up with something like this
it sounds like a mash-up of music from every video game I've ever played and the 80's
and god damn, despite my better judgement
I kinda love it.
(on a side note
tyrone, are we having a fight I don't know about?)
okay so we didn't watch solaris
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I'm working on this huge project of sorts which is sucking up a lot of time now that I'm back in school and tomorrow I'm having a pre-interview coffee with one of the former mayors of the city which I'm a bit freaked out about, honestly.
I'm sure she's super nice and she'll be charming and hilarious and I'll be this weird nervous wreck all hopped-up on coffee because we're meeting at Starbucks and their coffee makes me sick to my stomach, a little bit.
doing work for this project has been eating up a lot of my time but it's going way better than expected and I think my prof is impressed with it, which is always a bonus.
still doesn't make me less nervous to start interviewing people, though.

so basically I put off watching solaris because we needed to clean the apartment, you guys, and I needed to make sure I had all my shit together for these interviews I have coming up for this project. by the time I was done it was like 10:30pm and tyrone was all
we can't watch solaris. we'll fall asleep and jason will yell at us on the internet more for falling asleep during solaris again.
which is probably true.
so we hung out in bed and tyrone fell asleep and I read more of ham on rye which is just, wow, so messed up.
weird thing is that I've been having amazing dreams after reading bukowski. not fucked-up weird things, but these ridiculous adventure dreams where I wake up fully refreshed and ready to take on the world because I just finished kicking ass in my dream.
you know what I mean.
usually in the mornings I tell tyrone what I've been dreaming about because he never remembers his dreams and I feel bad for him. sleeping is one of my favourite things to do, mostly because I have really intense dreams and I feel like he's missing out by not remembering them.
the problem with dreams is that they never make sense. like, ever. so he kinda rolls his eyes or makes a weird face and then leaves the room without saying anything.
I've thought about keeping a dream diary and maybe making a book out of the amalgamation of my stupid dreams and becoming a bazillionaire off the profits. I mean is twilight and 50 shades of grey can be bestsellers why can't my piece of crap novel?
but then I wouldn't have time to blog here because I'd be doing pressers and tours and stuff, so fuck that shit I guess.
Hip Hop Sunday #54 Classified - Anything Goes
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my obsession continues
there's just something about the east coast
don't know what
but music from there is so
(& happy hip hop sunday)
watching this is getting me excited
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because in a few hours I'll be at one of my favourite venues watching one of my favourite musicians, with with some of my favourite people.
I've pimped dan mangan a lot on this blog 'o mine, especially lately as I've been counting down the days till when I get to sit in an audience and get all teary about how amazing his music and his lyrics and his voice are, holding tyrone's hand way too tight, drinking in the music.
and this video is just
so if you've ignored every time I've talked about him until now
do yrself a favour
watch it.
it's good, I promise.