November 2011

Hip Hop #21 introducing: Chap Hop

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deviating from the norm a bit today to introduce you to something I discovered the other day (thanks Miles!): Chap Hop.

Wikipedia defines Chap Hop as: "a variety of music originating from England that mixes the hip hop genre with elements from the steampunk subculture and stereotypical English obsessions such as cricket, tea and the weather.

Two leading exponents of the genre are Professor Elemental

and Mr. B The Gentleman Rhymer."

Who both happen to be in a feud with each other.

Of course.

On a dreary, grey Sunday this seems extremely apropos.

Happy Hip Chap Hop Sunday, kids.

(shout out to all my Daylight Savings Time homies, enjoy the extra hour!)


it's 1am (ish) and I'm home alone and it's weird

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tonight Tyrone is doing some VJ stuff at a Bassface show and between Halloween last weekend and my birthday/Amber & Connor's wedding next weekend I decided to "take it easy" which meant not going to the Bassface show but hanging out with Colin, Rhonda, Kevin and a few of Colin's friends and making terrible jokes all night and eating potato chips and drinking beer all evening. I was half-cut by 9:30 and I don't even know when the last time that happened, maybe when I was in my teens?

Basically the reason I didn't go to Bassface (even though Stickybuds is awesome) is because it's at the bar which (I think) used to be Dylan's on Pembina and then became an AWFUL strip club and from what I understand is now another bar where this event is being held. bottom line is that since it's not somewhere I can easily escape and go home from if I get bored/tired/hungry/lazy/etc it's nowhere I want to be going. that sounds horrible but if you ever looked at the bus route from my place to where this party is and saw the hassle it is to get there/back you'd understand.

so as a result I hung out as Colin's all night and made fun of his friend Kelvin who I referred to as Sweatpants who had awesome taste in tv and we had some sort of football (US college? no idea) on in the background and we made fun of it occasionally.

last night Tyrone took me to Segovia for dinner and here is what we had:
oysters and a glass of white wine each
the charcuterie board
seared scallops, seared leeks and mushrooms
horse with quail eggs and salmon roe
rabbit with manchengo polenta & maple serano ham
a slice of pecan pie with ice cream
a bottle of red wine
two americanos

the entire experience was amazing and I was still in a food coma until early today. we only go to Segovia (maybe) once a year and so we clearly go all out. I still can't believe I ate horse. I thought of Epona the whole time (n3rd)

it's weird how you don't notice how used to someone you are until they're not around. I keep expecting Tyrone to come in and harass me while I'm writing this and he isn't and while that's not bad per-se it's different and I miss it.

Tyrone if you read this when you get home there's leftover pizza in the oven and leftover beer/pop in the fridge. See you tomorrow morning <3

Happy Caturday

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Cyriak style


Dear Tyrone

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today is our two-year anniversary and there are some things I want to say to you:

I'm sorry about all the stupid things I do. like the time I got drunk & fell off my bike and yelled at you and accidentally locked you out of the apartment and then fell out of bed (awesome story!). for being a sore loser when we play Mario Kart and I suck. for sometimes brushing my teeth when you're in the shower (oops). for wine blackouts. for being impatient. for touching your toenails because I know you don't like it. for not always remembering to read the expiration dates. for not being a morning person. for liking really awful kitschy garbage. for wearing your fuzzy socks when my feet get cold. and for pewts.

thank you for putting up with my clicky thumbs (I'm sorry! really!). for making me coffee and breakfast every morning. for telling me that the amount of belly button lint you have in your belly button is directly proportional to how much you love me that day. for teaching me to cook. for encouraging me to n3rd out hard and play video games all day. for IKEA. for holding me when I cry. for cracking my toes. for turning me into an Apple fangirl. for buying me flowers. for making me laugh till I fall over. for being honest when I ask you if my outfit makes me look fat. for always letting me pick the music. for understanding that I DO need two closets and most of our dresser for all my clothes & shoes. for pyaws and bwehs. for PD hits. and for (you know).

I think you're an absolutely wonderful person and every day with you is amazing.

I love you.


if you're going to do anything with your life

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be unique

be original

think for yourself

just like these people reacting to Conan O'Brien

... or not.


If there's one thing I don't like showing

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it's my feet.

I don't like my feet, I don't like anyone's feet, I basically don't like feet in general.

but I did something to my left foot while out Halloween partying

and I don't think it's broken but it sure is effed up

and as a result Tyrone told me

that since I should rest my effed up foot

(and we were both tired)

he would order me some Chinese food that we could eat in our underwear while watching Pitch Black

and while that was great

it would have been much better if it had been delivered by Conan O'Brien

I've gotta move to New York.


Justin Trudeau

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true story.


Mo Money, Mo Mustaches!

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It's that time again, boys and girls!

This year in memory of Jack Layton I've started up a Mo Team The Trustaches (fitting, eh?) to help raise money to help fight prostate cancer! You can support my team by donating here, or even better, joining our team and growing your own MO and collecting donations with us!

Obviously since I can't grow a MO on my face, this is what I'll be rocking all month:

it's going to be filled in, little by little.

Let's do this, people. Get your shit together and donate.

For Jack.


FaceBook and you: a guide to shutting the eff up

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