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got nothin' for you kids today

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be back tomorrow.
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I really liked the first Iron Man

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I don't remember seeing it or who I saw it with but I know that I enjoyed it more than most people because I'm really not familiar with the franchise beyond the movies. iron man wasn't one of the comic books I was into as a lass so I got to enjoy it purely for it's over-the-top fight scenes and also how tasty Robert Downey Jr. is.

when the second Iron Man was in theatres I saw it kinda by accident. Tyrone and I were in Toronto after being in Montreal for MUTEK for a week with all of our friends, and we were staying with my aunt & uncle for a few days before going home.

we had been walking around and didn't want to go back to my aunts house just yet so we figured

fuck it, let's go see iron man 2

it was okay from what I remember. we were both wiped and I think Tyrone dozed off but I stayed relatively alert due to an infusion of cola and sugary snacks.


I didn't expect the 3rd one to look like anything I'd want to see because the 2nd one wasn't really anything that I wanted to see

filler. action. hot girls. RDJ.

topical stuff perfect to watch after a week of nonstop partying, adventuring and memory-making.

though I have to say this trailer looks better than I thought a 3rd instalment would.

but I'm still way more excited for star trek.

I think the most telling thing about Das Weisse Band

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is the difference between how it we received in Germany, where it was produced:

In Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, Julia Evers called the film "an oppressive and impressive moral painting, in which neither the audience nor the people in the village find an escape valve from the web of authority, hierarchy and violence. [...] Everything in The White Ribbon is true. And that is why it is so difficult to bear."[20] Markus Keuschnigg of Die Presse praised the "sober cinematography" along with the pacing of the narrative. Keuschnigg opposed any claims about the director being cold and cynical, instead hailing him as uncompromising and sincerely humanistic.[21] Die Welt's Peter Zander compared The White Ribbon to Haneke's previous films Benny's Video and Funny Games, both centering around the theme of violence. Zander concluded that while the violence in the previous films had seemed distant and constructed, The White Ribbon demonstrates how it is a part of our reality. Zander also applauded the "perfectly cast children", whom he held as "the real stars of this film".[22] "Mighty, monolithic and fearsome it stands in the cinema landscape. A horror drama, free from horror images", Christian Buß wrote in Der Spiegel, and expressed delight in how the film deviates from the conventions of contemporary German cinema: "Director Michael Haneke forces us to learn how to see again". Buß suggested references in the name of the fictitious village, "Eichwald", to the Nazi Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann and the Buchenwald concentration camp.[23] Eichwald is however a common German place name, meaning the "Oak Forest".

and by US media:

Critics such as Claudia Puig of USA Today praised the film's cinematography and performances while criticizing its "glacial pace" and "lack [of] the satisfaction of a resolution or catharsis."[24] Ann Hornaday of the Washington Post wrote that trying to locate the seeds of fascism in religious hypocrisy and authoritarianism is "a simplistic notion, disturbing not in its surprise or profundity, but in the sadistic trouble the filmmaker has taken to advance it."[25] Philip Maher at found the director "ham-handed" and "in the end his attempt at lucidity inevitably draws us further from the essential nature of fascism".[26] [via wikipedia]

some people just don't get it.

(also, watch this movie)

we all need a little tough love sometimes

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the first couple minutes of this video do a good job.

Audrey Hepburn's new commerical

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thanks to CGI we can apparently now 'resurrect' long-dead celebrities to endorse new products

like Audrey Hepburn's 'new' commercial for Galaxy chocolate.

the question is... why would someone want to do this? it's so unbelievably tacky.

is this a new 'thing'?

Hip Hop Sunday #64 Miguel - Kaleidoscope Dreams

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much needed weekend in.

spent most of it so far on schoolwork

completed 2 papers, 1 proposal, 17 pages of transcribing (whew)

did 2 workouts

had 2 amazing dinners (sushi on friday, nachos on sat)

watched 2 movies (jiro dreams of sushi & der weisse band)


it's time to take a day off 'cause this weeks been a bitch, kinda

relax & chill the f out

and enjoy

hiphop sunday.

hope you do too, xox

remember those crazy chain emails we used to get?

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apparently they're on facebook now


it's been a long week, so here ya go

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enjoy this gem from January of last year that I randomly stumbled across

featuring some dashingly awesome peeps doing a (debatably) awesome cover of a definitely awesome song.

how time flies.


yesterday was tough

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in fact, despite one really good thing it was probably the worst day I've had in years or since I can remember at least.

no I don't want to talk about it.

maybe in the throes of things I would have been ready to pour my heart out here but the internet isn't cool with that kind of stuff anymore, and nobody wants to hear about how sad I am unless it's a major catastrophe or a loss of some kind

(which yesterday was and then wasn't)
(which I realize makes no sense)
(but neither did yesterday, so there).

the nice thing is that after a good sleep everything feels a bit brighter.

more manageable.

today was better.

had an amazing americano from parlour coffee.
took some sassy senior ladies to the casino with my work and one of them bought me a grilled cheese.
played bingo and was an I 60 away from winning $47,500+ dollars which nobody wound up winning.
(but it was nice & exciting to hope)
found a message on the way home that made me smile.

it's good to feel happy today.

HBD Johnny Cash

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appreciating the shit outta you today, guy.

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