Posts by admin
Hip Hop Sunday # 63 Nas - NY State of Mind
- by admin
went to a kickass fundraiser last night
shook my tailfeathers
now I'm sore.
getting old.
happy hip hop sunday!
android sucks
- by admin
but this commercial is pretty cute.
too bad it's trying way too hard
and isn't about anything.
but paul rudd & seth rogen & bob odenkirk are in it
so that's okay.
eyes are the windows of the soul, I said casually
- by admin
and he stood in front of me and held me by my upper arms
came in close so our lips almost touched
even though we'd only just met
looked straight into my eyes and said
'so I'm looking into your soul right now?'
and I shivered
in that good way.
coffee shop boy from years back
- by admin
I met you one really really cold winter night. I was out with a friend and we were hiding from the cold while waiting to do something. see a play or a movie or some shit like that.wait, no. I'm wrong.
we spent a lot of hours at that coffee shop over the course of a few years and that was a different boy and a different time.
this time we were talking about her girlfriend. we were talking about how she didn't know how to 'be' with her girlfriend because she loved her and wanted to be a lesbian but banging a chick just wasn't cutting it for her anymore and she was concerned. confused. sexually and otherwise, I guess. I was facing the coffee shop and I noticed you sitting there and you were looking at something. a book or a camera I think and I couldn't stop staring at you.
not because you were uberhot or really ugly or anything like that. you just looked interesting.
eventually we got up to leave and I mentioned you to my friend and she dared me to blow you a kiss through the window as we walked by which terrified me so of course I did it.
I tapped on the window by where you were sitting and winked and blew a kiss and felt like the biggest loser until you came outside to ask if I wanted to sit and talk with you so I did.
we hung out for a few hours and I drank two awful lattes while we were there and they were so sickeningly sweet that I wound up secretly throwing up in the bathroom. you probably didn't know that.
I hope you didn't.
I wound up bumping into you the following weekend at the same coffee shop while waiting for the same friend who was still having the same problem.
it surprised me, but I had hoped I would.
I'd spent a bunch of time on my hair before leaving the house; I was into wearing it half pulled back and wavy and was doing this stupid thing where I had all these tiny braids running through it. I wanted you to notice and you did, winding one through your fingers and making me shiver in a good way.
you bought me lunch and asked if we could get together sometime.
I said yes, of course. I tried to play it cool but I probably didn't. I never did. never do.
you kissed me and it started snowing.
that's one of the fonder memories I have of you.
sometimes all it takes is a youtube video
- by admin
to make you remember that you're probably not as smrt as you think you are.
I can't write poetry
- by admin
if I could though I'd write one about Ford
cause as I slept on the couch today
sick, stuffed-up and generally feeling awful
little guy came and cuddled with me
all day
and didn't even get mad
when I coughed in his face by accident.
what a guy.
Hip Hop Sunday #62 Gang Starr - Moment of Truth
- by admin
probably one of my all-time favourite hip hop songs.
top-notch lyrics
& message
perfect for a cloudy, laid-back
hip hop sunday
enjoy it