Tagged: cop-out-post-3


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Mitch Hurwitz just made my day

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Hi, Mr. Hurwitz

I want to download/buy the song "Getaway" by Mark Cherry to use it as a ringtone, how can I have it?


We are really working on it, actually! It's tricky because 20th doesn't really have a record label, which a lot of the other studios do, so they don't have a mechanism in place, but all of David's music is so great and I really want to get it out there.

read the rest of his awesome AMA on Reddit here

For Morley

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May Long

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IMG_6600Okay so it rained all weekend (of course) and was windy and cold and there was still a ton of ice on the lake, but we made the best of it and had a blast anyway.



IMG_6623It just made sense to go out and climb around on the ice before it got too dark. The mist rolled in and the rain started and it was intense.
IMG_6629Hope your long weekend was just as wonderfully relaxing and entertaining as mine was.

Can you believe we have to go back to work tomorrow? Even though it's been raining for four days it still feels like the weekend just started. Sigh.

Things that appalled me about "The Queen of Versailles"

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All of it.

But I still recommend that you watch it in order to experience the monumental amount of materialism, self-indulgence and wastefulness portrayed in the film, along with the complete lack of class, good taste and modesty, as well as the warped vision of the 'American Dream' that it displays.


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tried Modern Taco for the first time

drank beers on a Friday afternoon


listened to the Great Gatsby soundtrack on repeat

danced in spring rain

got my first cheque from Vine

worked out at least once every day

had a wine buzz

bought a badass mink coat for $50

landed a new job

and loved.

Every minute of err'y damn day.

Good things do happen.

Happy Friday

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Chillin' here at Vine HQ gettin' stuff did.

Enjoying the shit out of life right now (hope you are too).

So do a little dance cause the weekend's almost here (yay).

Have a drink (or two).

Hang out with someone you love (this means you, Tyrone!)

And enjoy the following video:

Because David Byrne's moves are incomparable.

Books on the go:

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(plus this tune by The Airborne Toxic Event, who my dear friend Kat has been trying to turn me onto forever and who I secretly ADORE even though I keep telling her I don't ;) )

- The Jungle
- The English Patient
- The Marketing Agency Blueprint
- All Quiet on the Western Front
- Babbit

The weather is perfect and I'm looking forward to lying in a park this weekend and reading in the sunshine. Sounds perfect, eh?

Gimme yr book recommendations, I'll read anything!

One of the Disney jokes I didn't get when I was five

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suddenly makes so much sense.

Sitting on a campus bench: a poem

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uncomfortable benches
in the lobby of Centennial Hall
people crammed together
on their smart phones
individual worlds.
heavy escalator traffic
going up
going down
am I late for class?
most girls wear their hair up
lululemon head bands
lululemon everything
nice bums.
oh hello
three piece suit guy
where did you come from
where are you going?
I'd follow you but
my legs hurt from my run

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