Tagged: drinking
Ty went outta town this past weekend
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so I put on a maxi dress and made cray salad and took photos with this beaut.
We had a BBQ and lots of mixed boozy drinks at Owen & D's.
It didn't rain like it was supposed to so we sat in their backyard getting bit by mosquitoes.
who I can only assume were attracted to my pretty blue dress
which I later passed out in on a bed in the basement
which I assume is set up specifically for that purpose
or so our hosts can bone & watch TV at the same time.
I don't wanna know which.
Anyway I had the weirdest dreams which is unusual
not because I don't usually have weird dreams, which I do
but because usually when yr girl drinks there are no dreams
of weird horses and shoes and pinball machines
just dark, dreamless sleep
and greasy food when I wake up.
Which there was, come to think of it.
It's good to have constants in one's life, I think.
Technicolor fabrics
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Yo no hablo español, pero me gusta esta banda inconformista mexicana mucho y he estado escuchando a ellos sin parar últimamente.
Just kidding I don't speak Spanish. Blame Google translate for the shitty translation.
Anyway this is Technicolor Fabrics whom I love. They also sing some songs in English.
I listened to them while painting the kitchen over the past two days which not only reminded me that I can actually do stuff around the house but also demonstrated how disgusting my kitchen walls were. I've lived in my apartment for three years and they probably hadn't been painted in over a decade.
It was one of those situations where we started painting, saw the difference, and made faces like this:

Apartment problems for reals.
Besides boring apartment life tomorrow is the Winnipeg Wine Festival which btw is one of the highlights of my social calendar. Because we live stumbling distance from the Convention Center everyone comes over and has snacks and then we walk there, drink too much wine, stumble back and eat more food (natch).
Here are some photos from Wine Fests past (from 2009-2012):

Upon closer inspection it's also the one time a year I curl my hair, apparently.
But enough of my BS, it's almost the weekend!
Jam out kids, and don't do anything I wouldn't do!
turns out drawing "bookends" is harder than you'd think
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especially with a tummy full of crazy good food n turkey n drinksI know easter is a time for family but we decided to share it with the family we get to pick
namely, some of the finest individuals you could ever hope to make mildly offensively-titled alcoholic beverages and play mildly offensive games with.

also we played pictionary which I am not good at when drunk or at all.
it was also #cenquistday which if you're unfamiliar is a day that is dedicated to our favourite
ninja turtle loving
hat wearing
#crecomm studying
craft beer drinking
friend from the Internet
it was also the day we went out and bought a car.
wtf did YOU do?
T-minus four hours
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awww yeah