Tagged: nye
Happy 2014 darlings
- by admin

2013 was a big year for yr girl and I spent NYE celebrating it in the best was possible -surrounded by amazing, lovely people. I drank too much sparkling wine, ate too many nachos, killed my feet dancing to great music, and managed to drag my tired self into the office today because (gasp) I missed being here while I was away on vacation.
Which was the biggest surprise of all.
Considering that I was unemployed for a good chunk of 2013, and the stress of getting a job that was only part-time, finding a new job, getting laid off from that job less than a month after starting with no explanation as to why and feeling so utterly hopeless -probably more so than I've ever felt- being able to roll into my work every day and spend my workday with really great people doing challenging and interesting things feels like such a stroke of luck that sometimes I wonder how I finagled my way to where I am.
Reading everyone else's posts it seems like 2013 was a bit tough for all of us.
Character building, if you will.
It's funny how a different number at the end of the calendar year gives us hope for something better. A chance to improve & get better.
We're kinda weird about time like that.
Either way, things are looking up for 2014 and I'm excited to get this party started.
Thanks, as always, for reading and hanging out on the internet with me. Happy 2014 to you!
xox yr girl Shaner
don't worry I'm not doing a year in review
- by admin
nobody needs to read more of those
so instead I've found some cool stuff to leave you with as I sign off on 2011 and look towards 2012

and some videos:
Okay, it's time to start partying. See you kids in 2012!
Happy New Year everyone!