Posts by admin
Yes we are eating popcorn in bed
- by admin
One of the great things about being an adult is getting to do what you want.
What I want at the end of most nights is to sit around in my underpants with the laptop in bed with my significant other and maybe the cats and usually tea and sometimes a snack.
Tonight for instance we are eating popcorn with sour cream n onion seasoning.
Which is wonderful for me because I was working on university stuff all night and forgot to have dinner and didn't realize till we were halfway through our evening when my tummy was all
wtf put food in me you dummy
and I was like
shit. I'd better get on that.
So here I am writing this drinking tea and eating popcorn with my significant other which is crazy to me because a few years ago I was dating someone who picked a fight with me over this very thing.
I've only ever really seriously cohabited with one person and pretty early on after moving in together I was reading a book having a snack in bed and he flipped out.
I was all
It's not big deal. Just some cheese n crackers and I'm holding the plate.
But he flipped the heck out and we had this big crazy fight and it boggled my mind because who doesn't have a lazy snack in their own bed once and a while?
The reason I thought of that was because as we were both reaching for more popcorn my hand hit Tyrone's and some popcorn got on the bed and instead of flipping out we cleaned it like it was no biggie
which it wasn't.
So now I'm sitting here blogging about it and he's reading and we're about to go turn the lights down
and I'm thinking about how funny it is that people can be so different
and how I really want some cheese n crackers.
I dreamt about you nearly every night this week
- by admin
New Arctic Monkeys.
Happy Wednesday to all.
When I was younger I knew a boy
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back when we were both in that weird stage in between adolescence and adulthood when you don't want to be around home because you live with your parents, but you're too broke and not established enough to get a place of your own.
We hung out at his place a lot because his mom was never really home between work and her boyfriend and as a result we spent a lot of time alone together hanging out.
Most of the time I'd go over and one of us would have picked up some meagre groceries with our minimum-wage job money; lettuce and meat and sometimes bread if he didn't have any, and would make huge sandwiches with big slices of cheese and mayonnaise smeared on and would watch episodes of Smallville or Rescue Me on the old couch in his basement.
Once when I was heartbroken we sat on the mattress on the floor in his bedroom and I cried and he held me and I realized that he liked me. Maybe loved me even.
I didn't know what to do so I didn't do anything.
I just let him hold me while I sniffled and shed tears over someone who didn't deserve them.
One time his house was so dirty that I came over and cleaned it while he sat on the kitchen counter talking to me and playing old records that his dad had left behind when he moved out.
He told me that I didn't have to clean and I said that I did. That I was over often enough that I'd made enough of the mess to warrant helping out and besides which his mom hadn't been home since Sunday (it was Wednesday) and it wasn't like he was going to clean, anyway.
He said okay and I vacuumed and dusted and scrubbed and we talked and after I let the dog out I turned around and he was standing behind me.
He kissed me and for some reason I kissed him back.
I realized that this had been a long time coming and I figured "whatever" and went with it when he picked me up and pushed me against the wall as he kissed me.
But when he put me down and my feet touched the hardwood floor it was like reality came back to me and I suddenly didn't know what the fuck I was doing.
I left.
Ten minutes later while I stood shivering in the snow waiting for my bus he came back and took my hand and said he'd drive me home because it was February goddamnit and I let him.
I really didn't know how to leave well enough alone.
Mitch Hurwitz just made my day
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Hi, Mr. Hurwitz
I want to download/buy the song "Getaway" by Mark Cherry to use it as a ringtone, how can I have it?
We are really working on it, actually! It's tricky because 20th doesn't really have a record label, which a lot of the other studios do, so they don't have a mechanism in place, but all of David's music is so great and I really want to get it out there.
read the rest of his awesome AMA on Reddit here
Hip Hop Sunday #74 Kanye West - New Slaves
- by admin
Posted mostly because the presentation in this vid is pretty cool
and I really like the dude on the back right who is SUPER into it.
In all honesty I actually really like Yeezus
which surprised me for some reason
which is dumb because I have (and like) all of his other albums
so I should have known better.
Either way I like it a lot
especially the track Black Skinhead
which uses a beat sampled from Gary Glitter's Rock n Roll Part 2
which is also used in another track that I really like:
(Happy Hip Hop Sunday, dears!)
Growing up is weird
- by admin
tonight after we made dinner I made Tyrone help me clean the apartment because it's dirty. Not like there's mud on the floor and garbage everywhere but dirty in the 'I'm totally neurotic about cleaning' way which means we go through this song and dance every week and a half or so.
When I was a little girl my mum and dad used to clean the house every Sunday. I don't even remember what they'd do beforehand, if they'd have a coffee or breakfast of hit up the bathroom or what, I just remember them cleaning the entire house.
My mum ran a daycare out of the house so I guess it made sense to do it before a bunch of smelly gross kids showed up to make the house dirty for the next five days but that didn't really occur to me as a kid.
I liked the smells of the furniture polish and the windex and liked to help because it meant that I got to touch all of my mum's special stuff on her dresser in the bedroom. She had all this silver stuff -mirrors and combs and brushes in a set that I loved for some reason.
Probably because I was a dumb kid and everything that I wasn't regularly allowed to touch was sacred.
My favourite part of helping my parents clean was the bathroom. I liked how the metal shined and especially cleaning the toilet bowl because the water was cold.
And yes I realize how gross that is in hindsight but my mum didn't and to my knowledge never has owned a toilet brush. That's just how she rolls.
I can see myself as this weird version of my ultra-clean parents as an adult now and it freaks me out sometimes because I realize not everyone is as neurotic as me.
Anyway now as a twentysomething I've basically become my mother in the sense that the minute I hone in on dirt or dust or balls of cat fur I get this itch to start cleaning and not stop until I've dusted, washed, swept and mopped every room.
It's especially tough because even though I make Tyrone help me to save time I secretly judge everything he does because I have very high standards and he spends a lot of the time we're cleaning talking to me or singing or showing me his bum and sometimes I just want to throw a lamp at him.
Today while I was cleaning the living room he came in and started vacuuming the rug because he likes to vacuum, apparently, and I wanted to say "you're messing up my system! I HAVE A SYSTEM IN THIS ROOM"
but I didn't because nobody wants to fight about who gets to vacuum the rug, right?
That might be crazier than making Tyrone help me clean the apartment every week and a half.
But only a little.
Sometimes you just gotta do it right
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and by that I mean bike yr ass to almost the suburbs to try Blondie's, which is this infamous burger joint in Winnipeg. It's also been featured on You Gotta Eat Here which is how some non-prairie peeps know about it.I'd never been there myself but I'd always heard stories about the crazy lady who runs it. It's just her in the kitchen by herself and apparently she'll scream at you and kick you out if yr a dick or you pisser off which both terrified and intrigued the shit outta me.
Luckily she has her rules posted all around the joint so you know what not to do.
The most famous(est) part of going to Blondie's besides the lady who runs it is the sheer massive size of the burgers they offer. I stayed safe with the 1/8 pound burger and even that was almost too much with a poutine.
I wish I could go back and eat this right now.
They also offer huge milkshakes which were a little too rich for my blood.
Yes that's also a pun about ice cream.
When we got there it was super packed so we had to wait a while, and as we were leaving the owner apologized to us for making us wait which kinda disappointed me since I was hoping she'd tell us to fuck off or something.
I briefly considered saying something rude back to see what would happen but then I saw her kneading this massive pile of hamburger patty in the air I decided I'd better not.
That lady could have totally kicked my ass.
Hip Hop Sunday #74 Abstract Artform - Through My Music
- by admin
One of those Sunday mornings when I ask myself
why the hell am I awake already?
and showered, to boot?!
After an evening of throwing a glowing frisbee in the park in the middle of the night
accompanied by a bonfire
smokies n 'shmallows
and random drunken lost people who became our friends
(and donated more firewood, thanks!)
I should still be asleep right now.
I've got a wedding shower to go to
with snacks n mimosas to make
and I don't wanna let the lovely Derp Review down.
So here I am.
Enjoying the shit out of my hip hop Sunday.
Hope you are too.