Posts by admin

Frank Turner stole my heart and I think that's okay

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Martin blogged about him earlier today so I can't claim cred for the find, but I'll take cred for when it gets stuck in yr head and you're charmed, too.

I've been needing new music in my life lately.

Scratch that.

I've been needing new music in my life lately new everything in my life lately.

Maybe it's the never-ending winter or my looming exams or my mounting student loan bill but it's been a bit tough to look on the bright side lately. I'm a cynic by nature and I've been working on it but things feel stale, stagnant... I'm waiting for the change I know is coming and it can't get here fast enough.

Good to remember this today:


Just had a cup of Earl Grey but shouldn't have. I need to go to bed soon, I've got my two exams tomorrow basically back-to-back and my hand is going to be a shrivelled claw by the end of my 6+ hour writing marathon. Essay-style exams are the best because I'm good at them, but the worst because they're so physically draining. Word up to my rhetoric peeps!

Beers afterward with Colin and Adrian at the Toad in the Hole afterward though. It's going to be well-deserved and it's going to be good. Tweet @ me if you'd like to come by and say hello!


Hip Hop Sunday #70 Big Punisher ft Joe - Still Not a Player

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How much do you guys miss 90's rap right now?

Hope this one stirs up some happy thoughts.

Enjoy your hip hop Sunday.


I don't think white people are allowed to say that

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There aren't enough facepalms in the universe for this.

Breaking news

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I still know all the words to Shoop.

As you were.

Brioni suit jackets on ebay

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Tyrone is thinking about ordering some and I hope we don't have to have a chat like this:

Aww who am I kidding, he'll look amazing.

(Fingers crossed)

Anime series that aren't as good as you remember

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Photo on 13-04-17 at 7.45 PM

Namely, all of them.

This post is brought to you by my bad decision to watch Trigun because it's on Netflix.

We can't make good choices all of the time.

Where does the time go?

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Is it just me or is this week flying by?

Spent all of yesterday hanging at Vine Multimedia HQ and was unbelievably busy. I took the photos to create this gif in-between eating my salad and writing some blog content but didn't even have the time to post it.


After work I spent the evening at Kat's and she whipped up her take Bún Thịt Nướng and it was delicious. Having some midweek lady-hangs was really nice as well!


I've been on a crazy Rebecca and Fiona kick lately, especially since we've gotten our new car. This track is so good for zipping around to, I'm not ashamed to say Tyrone and I have definitely had car dance parties listening to it.

Today I'm attempting to get some studying done with basically no luck. It's impossible when you have a super-cute kitten looking for your attention. Cat lady problems!

Happy Humpday!

Why are we watching Cast Away

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is probably what you're wondering since it came out in 2000 and it kind of old hat by now. Well the answer is that when we got home Tyrone and I decided to toss on a flick that we could hang out to and have on in the background while we peruse the Internet (me) and play SpaceChem (him).

What we didn't count on is how amazing the movie is and how kind of scary and sad it is, too.

Probably because we've both only seen it once before back when it came out, and for me I was 13 and watching it at my Nan and Granddad's, I think, so I definitely wasn't really "getting" it at that age.

The only real thing that I remember is when he can't sleep on his bed at the end of the movie and feeling really, strikingly sad about it. But I was 13 and didn't really get why, though I do now.

Tom Hanks is also brilliant. I've loved him forever, even before the Internet exposed how super cool he is and going back and watching the first movie that I really remember watching him in (this one) makes me like him more. He's one of the few actors who could make a movie about being stranded on an island, hurting himself, and talking to a ball and make it entertaining.

Breaking: He just opened up a package and a bunch of VHS dropped out. Blast from the past!

We aren't really that far in the movie yet (no Wilson, no ice-skate dentistry) but I remember that basically he uses math and mapping changes in the wind (says Tyrone) to get himself past the surf which I could never, ever do.

So basically this movie is making me realize how utterly useless all of my life skills are and how quickly I would starve to death or otherwise get myself killed if I were in his position.

Which makes me extra-thankful for my cozy apartment and expensive coffee right about now.

Hip Hop Sunday #69 Kendrick Lamar - Growing Apart ft Jhene Aiko

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super chill Sunday after a busy couple of days
birthday dinners
drinks with friends
foot rallies
good times.

ran some errands today
splurged a bit at Fortune Cookie for lunch
went to IKEA and didn't spend a dime
(I know, right?)
ready to relax with coffee and a movie.

perfect Sunday if you ask me.

hope you're also enjoying
your hip hop sunday.

Tags: Pink


The Vine Team vs. Habitat for Humanity Amazing Foot Rally

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This morning some of the coolest kids you know (three of which work for the coolest company around and one of which is a kickass #CreComm student) got up early and participated in the Habitat for Humanity Amazing Foot Rally.

It was an amazing time, thanks to all of the volunteers and organizers who organized such a fun and unique event!





(Our birdhouse had suicide doors)

Images and Vine via @MoskalElectric, @JackieDoming and yours truly.

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