Posts by admin

tonight is Colin's birthday party

- by admin

s'gonna be good.

one of those days

- by admin

okay it wasn't that bad.

Tyrone is sick and I am, too. Spent most of the night tossing and turning on the couch half-listening to episodes of TNG and sniffling. I find being sick isn't that bad except for when you can't sleep, which only happens at night and only during nights when you have stuff to do the next day (of course).

needless to say today was a write off of sweaty bed-sleeping and matted hair and kitty cuddles.

Eventually I had to clean myself up and showered and went to the corner store to get stuff for dinner. I always feel like a rock star going into our grubby corner store because everyone else in the neighbourhood goes there in their yoga pants and fuggs and unwashed hair and I'm too vain/neurotic to leave the house unless I look decent.

What I'm leading up to here is that some cute random hipster guy hit on me while I was in the checkout line buying meat and veg and whatnot. He said something really uncool like "I'd let a pretty girl like you make me stew anytime".

Needless to say it made my day because nothing is better than feeling pretty when your head feels like exploding.

Also the stew I made was amazing. Protip: use 1/3 cup of balsamic vinegar and it will make yr beef stew ah-ma-zing.

k back to tea and the couch and DS9.

A glimpse into the future

- by admin


There aren't enough facepalms for how racist Brad Paisley is being right

- by admin

even if he says he's doing it accidentally

by writing a song about white guilt.

I can't believe that this is actually real.


Hip Hop Sunday #68 Wyclef Jean - We Trying to Stay Alive

- by admin

I started doing Hip Hop Sundays
so that I could have easy
cop-out posts
on Sundays after I'd been out & up to no good
so I didn't have to use my brain waters
putting together a big-ass post.

today is one of those days
I'm glad I started it.

here's just a little taste of what I was up to last night
to give you some perspective:


yes those are people
dancing in their pyjamas
in a giant blanket fort.

hope your evening was equally as successful
and you're enjoying
your Hip Hop Sunday.

got hit on in Value Village the other day

- by admin

dear friend John is having a party tonight which involved wearing pyjamas and playing in blanket forts and eating sleepover food. oh and drinking, of course, because that makes it acceptable for adults to do these kinds of ridiculous things.

which meant on thursday we went to Value Village with Kat & John and scoped out random clothes and also more blankets with which to make the aforementioned amazing fort.

at one point I went over to scope the book section as I usually do. I think all but one of my Margaret Atwood books have come from VV and a lot of other books in my library, too, so I always go over to scope out which books people don't want to read anymore.

so I round the corner walking with the kind of determination that you only get while in a store filled with people slowly walking with huge shopping carts and almost walk smack into this dude


I apologize and step around him and start examining the 'literature' section because obviously that's what I read, right?

and I'm standing there surveying the books and you know that feeling you get when you know someone is looking at you? I'm getting that hardcore so I turn and look at the dude in the aisle with me with an espression I hope is conveying the following sentiment:


one eyebrow cocked and everything and sure enough he's looking at me and looks away and I look away because not it's extra-weird and he goes

you look really nice this evening

and runs out of the aisle.

which made it extra awkward when later on while looking through obnoxious suit combo outfits he came around the corner and we made eye contact and he ducked behind a rack of jeans to avoid me. awesome.

but Tyrone is playing Skyward Sword and we're both tearing up, so I'd better go before the waterworks turn on.

unrelated to my earlier story but this game is so sweet.

happy friday

- by admin

have some wine
have a greasy grilled cheese
and relax
(it's what I'm doing & I promise you it works)

it's the weekend, mofos.
enjoy it.


pretended to be binary stars this morning

- by admin

over coffee this morning we checked out Google Chrome's 3D stellar neighbourhood which is the coolest thing ever.

as a part of our busy day it's always fun to bond over stuff on the internet and make silly remarks and learn a bit together before we part ways

usually it's some dumb image on reddit or a news article we're all fired up about.

today we were talking about binary stars and he took my hands in the living room and we spun around

smiling at each other

and after I went back to brushing my teeth and he combed his hair

we packed lunches and took out the garbage and said


but being a binary star this morning has had me smiling all day

and I need to say it, even though I try not to on the blog

I love you, Tyrone

thanks for being my primary star.

Sitting on a campus bench: a poem

- by admin

uncomfortable benches
in the lobby of Centennial Hall
people crammed together
on their smart phones
individual worlds.
heavy escalator traffic
going up
going down
am I late for class?
most girls wear their hair up
lululemon head bands
lululemon everything
nice bums.
oh hello
three piece suit guy
where did you come from
where are you going?
I'd follow you but
my legs hurt from my run

forget everything you saw yesterday

- by admin

this is the best 2013 april fool's video.

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