Posts by admin

remember the tv show scrubs?

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with what's his name with the hair who was in garden state and fantasized about being a floating head doctor that was on in the early 2000's. I used to watch it with my friend eric when I was in highschool but you probably didn't know that.

anyway I just found out that Ted the neurotic lawyer's barbershop quartet that he has in that one episode is actually a legit barbershop quartet in real life and they went on the BBC and did a cover of a bunch of songs including some katy perry track I've never heard of.

though I think it's safe to assume their version is better.


been so tired lately it feels like I have lead bones

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not cool adamantium ones like wolverine but heavy, old, useless bones that get mad at me for riding my bike every day and climbing stairs and walking to the corner store.

I can't get enough sleep and even when I do I feel worn-out hours later. maybe I've got a vitamin deficiency. someone from the internet cure me.

I'm supposed to hang with Kbabs tonight but I'm gonna bail because she wants me to bike to her house so she can make me a sammich and then we'll ride bikes to my house so I can get changed so we can go for a walk. all before 8pm. and I don't wanna.

I wanna go home and lie in the dark under a blanket with the cat and take a nap watching some junky movie on netflix by myself because tyrone has vj stuff to do and I never, ever get any alone time.

I wanna get gross subway for dinner because I'm lazy and maybe a cookie, too, because I've been eating salads all week and I want chocolate, damnit. I deserve the sub and the cookie and probably the diet coke I'll toss on there for good measure.

this is the part where you tell me eating that way won't help how tired I am.

and then comes the part where I say eff you and eat it anyway.

because that's the best part about being a grown-up lady: not always acting like a grown-up lady.


a year ago today we lost one of the good guys

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jack layton, the leader of the new democratic party, died of cancer and the country lost one of its best, loudest, and most compassionate voices

even if you didn't like the ndp you can't deny that jack was a great person, a caring politician, and a man who not only had a vision of a better canada, but made every effort in his daily life to live his vision. he rode his bike to work every day. he had solar panels on his house. he met with regular canadians every chance he got and genuinely listened to their opinions.

I met him at the ndp rally in winnipeg a few years ago when he was running for the prime minister's office in the federal election, the year the orange crush changed the political spectrum of the country. it showed how he moved so many people, and when I saw him speak he moved me. I'd never seen anyone speak so fiercely about the good canadians are capable of, who was so energized about working together and helping each other.

after he was done speaking he was walking around shaking hands and I found myself standing in front of him. he wasn't much taller than I am, which was surprising, and he took my hand in his and shook it and I said the first stupid thing I could think of. I said "good luck jack, I know you can do it" and he said

"with your help we can do anything. thank you"

and after I cried. like I'm crying now. because he was right.

what we need to take away from his death is that the fate of our country isn't in the hands of one man, but in our collaborative efforts to achieve greatness and make canada a better place.

I hope one day we can make him proud.

rip jack, I miss the shit out of you.


hi wednesday.

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hi salad I'm tired of eating for lunch every day. hi flatter stomach that I love because I eat salad for lunch every day. hi chicken paresean I'll be eating for dinner later.

hi scary original story of Pinocchio that has ruined the already-creepy children's film for me.

hi bike ride home. hi rain tomorrow. hi shitty bus commute to the office in the rain. hi friday when I can ride my bike again. hi 20km commute on my bike.

hi new lincoln poster that has me super jazzed about the film. hi undetermined movie I'll be watching in bed with tyrone later. hi netflix.

hi amazon notification email. hi new textbooks arriving soon that are 400$ cheaper than if I had bought them at the school bookstore. hi money saved sitting in my bank account waiting to pay my tuition.

hi caricature in germany pissing off christians. hi der spiegel. hi rosetta stone at home that's going to teach me german. hi new languages.

bonjour aux francophones. bonjour étudents à montreal. bonjour ma deuxième langue qui est difficile de parler et écrire mainteant. bonjour accent aigu, accent circonflexe, cédille.

hi bills, you can go away now.

hi new york times article about mcdonalds. hi really evil marketing of fast food at children. hi obese kids I always see at the park not running around and playing.

hi tony pierce who inspired this post.

sometimes you just need to detach from The Internet

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like right now


some days I don't feel like blogging

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nothing I have to say feels witty enough, smart enough, relevant enough to type out and hit 'publish' and be proud of the next day.

maybe my problem is that I care if I'm proud of what I say later. should I be?

tyrone messaged me this morning and said "I've been reading your blog, you've been sad lately" and though I was in a good mood at the time it made me sad because is that really what I sound like? fuck. I'm sorry, guys.

I think I need a vacation, which isn't happening anytime soon because school starts in omg like two weeks so there's no time or money available for such frivolousness. and yes I know I just came back from BC and Connect and festivals but I mean a vacation. far away. somewhere I can relax and bit and not stress and chill the fuck out for the first time in what feels like years.

don't get me wrong I'm happy with life and my friends and tyrone and blah blah but sometimes you don't realize how stressed out you are until someone else has to point it out and them boom it all lands on your shoulders like a huge weight and of course you're at work when it happens so you have to push through the whole afternoon feeling like junk.

of course.

so let's just pretend everything I said above was cute hilarious banter about the video of the hovercraft video.

the big lebowski is the longest movie ever

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or at least it feels that way.

we are watching it right now because Tyrone has never seen it and I've started watching it about four times but have never been able to finish it due to the fact that all the scenes feel very independent of one another and usually I find that kind of film had to pay attention to.

this morning I woke up with a splitting migraine and didn't go in to work and lay around in the dark with a pillow over my head for a while. Jason was over and he and Tyrone were still asleep and Ford was yelling and I'm glad it's over now. you never appreciate life and not having a migraine until after you've finished having migraine and can sit on the couch and blog and watch movies like normal.

though truth be told I'm not really watching it anymore. maybe I'll just be one of those people who never fully sits down and watches the big lebowski to the fullest of their attention.

I don't know, it's a good film and the characters are ridiculous and over the top, but it's just... too slow? I'm not sure. it all just feels really fragmented and and I don't really care about any of the characters. except john goodman's character, he always steals the show.

honestly I've been just as entertained looking at gifs from the big lebowski as I have been actually watching the big lebowski. them's just the facts.


Hip Hop Sunday # 44 Lupe Fiasco - Lamborghini Angels

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apparently I forgot to publish this yesterday.

which I feel bad about, because I'd promised Colin I'd post it for him

and now I feel like a bad friend

which I would elaborate on, but pizza just arrived

and I'm hungry

happy belated Hip Hop Sunday

or, rather

happy Monday.

today is Jabez's birthday

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Wikipedia says this about the name Jabez:

Jabez is a Biblical male given name from the Old Testament. It is of Hebrew Origin. In 1 Chronicles, Jabez is a well-respected man (ancestor in the lineage of the kings' tribe of Judah) whose prayer to God for blessing was answered (see 1 Chronicles 4:9-11).

which I didn't know when I met him on NYE three years ago and as a result proceeded to sit down next to him and ask him what his real name was, not his 'stupid raver nickname' and hassled him about it until he showed me his ID which, in fact, said Jabez on it.


despite this though he decided I was okay to hang out with and one time came over to drink wine and hang out before Tyrone's show at some bar, and because Jabez is better at computers than I could ever be he linked his computer to mine and was sharing some cool tunes with me and we were singing obnoxiously and we had a good time. then the next day I deleted what I thought was the link to our computers without asking him and accidentally deleted a whole bunch of his really important IT work stuff.


the poor guy must be a glutton for punishment because I can't even count the amount of times he's had us over for drinks and parties and I've passed out there, drank too much there, thrown up in his bathrooms, and otherwise been a bad guest. I've also been mad at him more times than I'd like because being friends with me is hard, sometimes.


and despite all this he keeps on being my friend for reasons I don't understand. maybe it's because he's older than I am and hopes that I won't be a total douche forever (which is probably wrong), or because we both have good taste in movies and music and literature and it's fun to have what you think is a high-brow intellectual conversation with someone and then look back and realize that you were just talking out your ass to each other the whole time.

which is what friends are for, right?

so happy birthday Jabez. I hope when I'm as old as you I can be even half as cool, and thanks for being my friend.

when you live together dating gets weird

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because when you don't live together every time you see each other is this total 'omg' moment where you're reminded that this really fantastic person actually wants to come to your crummy house and hang on your sofa and watch bad movies with you, or vice-versa. it's all fresh and new and sweet.

remember when you used to stress about which outfit to wear before they came over? fix your hair and/or makeup and use mouthwash?

yeah. me too.

nowadays instead of saving up for fancy dinners every once and a while and spending too much money on wine Tyrone and I go on biking adventures all over the place and fit cheap meals in at dive restaurants that make stuff like shawarma and dim sum and pho. maybe that's just us though, but now that we're settled in going somewhere fancy doesn't seem like such a huge deal and besides I get much better food and service at a place that has plastic tablecloths than one with linen most of the time anyway.

there's this nice level of comfort that sets in where it's okay to not have to take someone into a dark corner of a room and sit a foot from each other over expensive martinis because it's what's 'cool' and 'hip' to do. when taking mass transit (or, again, bikes) is acceptable over catching a cab. when staying in and making kale chips and watching a movie is a preferable option to sitting in a theatre eating expensive food and listening to some douchey teenagers in the row behind you comment the whole time.

not that things aren't still sweet. they are. just differently.

when stuff like doing the laundry together begins to matter, or who did the dishes last. boring stuff. the stuff that shitty magazines like cosmo tell girls that we need to avoid at all costs because if we're not always dolling ourselves up or putting scrunchies around his dick as a surprise in bed (I literally read that once) you're not 'doing relationships right'.

it's just weird to me that all these things that we're primed to take as red flags are actually signs that things are going well. that you haven't fucked it all up. things you can only really know once you've experienced the shift from 'omg dating anxiety' to 'that other person who lives in my house and whom I bang on the regular' and until then spend all this time fretting and stressing about it getting there.

originally this post was going to be about how we went to value village and how I bought a sweater and a jogging jacket and I have no idea how I got so derailed.

I don't know how it got here.

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