Tagged: black

Mitch Hurwitz just made my day

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Hi, Mr. Hurwitz

I want to download/buy the song "Getaway" by Mark Cherry to use it as a ringtone, how can I have it?


We are really working on it, actually! It's tricky because 20th doesn't really have a record label, which a lot of the other studios do, so they don't have a mechanism in place, but all of David's music is so great and I really want to get it out there.

read the rest of his awesome AMA on Reddit here

Growing up is weird

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tonight after we made dinner I made Tyrone help me clean the apartment because it's dirty. Not like there's mud on the floor and garbage everywhere but dirty in the 'I'm totally neurotic about cleaning' way which means we go through this song and dance every week and a half or so.

When I was a little girl my mum and dad used to clean the house every Sunday. I don't even remember what they'd do beforehand, if they'd have a coffee or breakfast of hit up the bathroom or what, I just remember them cleaning the entire house.

My mum ran a daycare out of the house so I guess it made sense to do it before a bunch of smelly gross kids showed up to make the house dirty for the next five days but that didn't really occur to me as a kid.

I liked the smells of the furniture polish and the windex and liked to help because it meant that I got to touch all of my mum's special stuff on her dresser in the bedroom. She had all this silver stuff -mirrors and combs and brushes in a set that I loved for some reason.

Probably because I was a dumb kid and everything that I wasn't regularly allowed to touch was sacred.

My favourite part of helping my parents clean was the bathroom. I liked how the metal shined and especially cleaning the toilet bowl because the water was cold.

And yes I realize how gross that is in hindsight but my mum didn't and to my knowledge never has owned a toilet brush. That's just how she rolls.

I can see myself as this weird version of my ultra-clean parents as an adult now and it freaks me out sometimes because I realize not everyone is as neurotic as me.

Anyway now as a twentysomething I've basically become my mother in the sense that the minute I hone in on dirt or dust or balls of cat fur I get this itch to start cleaning and not stop until I've dusted, washed, swept and mopped every room.

It's especially tough because even though I make Tyrone help me to save time I secretly judge everything he does because I have very high standards and he spends a lot of the time we're cleaning talking to me or singing or showing me his bum and sometimes I just want to throw a lamp at him.

Today while I was cleaning the living room he came in and started vacuuming the rug because he likes to vacuum, apparently, and I wanted to say "you're messing up my system! I HAVE A SYSTEM IN THIS ROOM"

but I didn't because nobody wants to fight about who gets to vacuum the rug, right?

That might be crazier than making Tyrone help me clean the apartment every week and a half.

But only a little.
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Hip Hop Sunday #74 Abstract Artform - Through My Music

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One of those Sunday mornings when I ask myself

why the hell am I awake already?

and showered, to boot?!

After an evening of throwing a glowing frisbee in the park in the middle of the night

accompanied by a bonfire

smokies n 'shmallows

and random drunken lost people who became our friends

(and donated more firewood, thanks!)

I should still be asleep right now.


I've got a wedding shower to go to

with snacks n mimosas to make

and I don't wanna let the lovely Derp Review down.

So here I am.


Enjoying the shit out of my hip hop Sunday.

Hope you are too.


I can see why people are kinda hating on Bioshock: Infinite

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which isn't to say that I don't absolutely effing love it for those exact same reasons.

some of the themes that people don't like in the game are:
- racism
- extreme religious behaviour
- zealots
- exploiting others
- ideological societies
- crazy-go-nuts American nationalism
- extreme violence

among other things which I think is total BS.

What it is, is that the game is exposing and discussing things
(particularly about American society)
that make people
(particularly Americans)
It's shitty when someone points at you and goes "these are the ways you're fucked up, this is what you could be/are becoming" which the game really does.

And that hurts, I get it.

But what I think is shitty is that we have games like Call of Duty which totally demonize other countries/cultures
(okay some are about Nazis but not all of them)
which are perfectly okay even though they're just as violent and graphic
and we let little kids play them.

But when a
(beautiful, stunning)
video game comes out that makes a statement
and ruffles feathers
(as a good piece of art/creativity should)
people get upset
because it doesn't demonize the people they want
it points to them and says

"you're fucked up, too"
now go fight this giant mechanical monster.

Sam Katz & Friends vs. Gordon Warren

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A few people have asked for my opinion on the recent article published in the Winnipeg Free Press concerning local blogger Gordon Warren, who is being sued by local media group Direct Focus Marketing, as well as Sandy and Robert Shindleman, owners of Shindico,

Non-Winnipeggers interested in what I'm talking about can read the Free Press article here, but here's a snippet to give you some background:

The injunction was sought by Direct Focus Marketing Communications Inc., its owner Mark Hofer and the firms’ employees – all whom were named by Warren in a recent blog post on a move at city hall to sell off and lease out civic golf courses.

Direct Focus had been hired to conduct a media campaign to promote the sale of John Blumberg golf course and a 20-year lease for four other civic course. The campaign appeared to be spearheaded by an independent community group calling itself Responsible Winnipeg, but it turned out that group was the creation of one of Mayor Sam Katz’s political advisory bodies.

In case you missed that last bit, let me spell it out for you: our mayor ran a campaign without using City of Winnipeg logos to try and further his own political agenda and someone called him on it.

Important to remember: they're not going after him for libel, they're going after him for defamation of character because what Gordon Warren is saying is true.

Anyway, onto why you're here. You asked for my opinion, here it is:

I haven't read the blog posts in question, because due to the recent ruling they're unavailable on his blog, but from what I can tell everything Warren has been doing -bringing light to a shady political campaign, criticizing our mayor and his friends, and generally being politically active online- is completely within his rights as a Canadian citizen, and should be protected under Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

But you know what really bugs me about this whole thing?

We have people publishing much more malicious, hateful and half-true stories in our local tabloid, the Winnipeg Sun, every day. I'm speaking in particular about Tom Brodbeck, who uses his articles in the Sun and his blog (which I refuse to link to) to shamelessly criticize anyone who politically opposes him and his masters. I have heard more vitriolic commentary coming from this one "journalist" than I care to remember, yet to my knowledge nobody has taken him to court on Greg Selinger (our Premier)'s behalf -which is exactly what is happening with Warren. Sam Katz isn't suing him, but all of his buddies are.

A lot of people are saying "what did Warren say that was so upsetting?" and I think we're asking the wrong questions. Instead, we should be asking ourselves "how is suing someone over talking shit about you on the internet a reflection of your character?", "are these the kinds of people that we want running our city?" and, perhaps more importantly "is this how we treat people in our society who expose their dirty little secrets?"

**Alyson Shane is a blogger chick from Winnipeg and not a journalist. FYI.

Snakes on the plains

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Fun fact: Narcisse, Manitoba has the highest concentration of red-sided garter snakes in the world and is protected by the Government of Manitoba

it's also garter snake mating season right now

which meant that despite a hangover and being tired as fawk

yr heroes made the trip out to the Narcisse Snake Pits to go see some snake balls n play with snakes


(you can't really see, but there are huge snake gangbangs going on down in that snake pit)



For those of you who've never played around with garter snakes it's a ton of fun

snakes usually freak me out a bit but these little doods are so cute and have no problem being picked up

tons of little kids were doing it but I don't have any pictures of them because taking photos of other people's kids is creepy

so I took photos of my lovely lady-friends and Tyrone instead.


We also packed a tasty picnic and some on-the-go vodka & apple ciders

which I highly recommend for any type of outdoor group activity

(good call on that one, Shawna)


Someone had a lie-down while we drove home and listened to episodes of Radiolab.

Snake mating season is wrapping up soon (within the next few weeks) but if you're in Manitoba and want a fun mini day-trip I can't recommend it enough!
Tags: Black


remember these lists?

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Stolen from busblog, the only blogger who can make these cool.

1. a few
2. I've fucked up my life here n there
3. on everyone
4. many
5. water
6. try "strong dislike" -hate is wasteful
7. the best
8. you haven't lived if you haven't (yes)
9. currently working it
10. was, am, will be
11. today (contacts)
12. purple
13. average
14. 11/11/87
15. blue
16. boring
17. you
18. Internet
19. kiss
20. Shaner
21. norwegian wood - the beatles
22. the beatles or library voices or matt good
23. it's happened
24. worrying about what other people thought
25. book
26. game of thrones
27. I can't choose, my life is great
28. I write a mean blog (or so I'm told)
29. Tyrone, Kat, my secret blog
30. cracking joints, being dumb
31. above all else.
32. okay shouldnt be a goal [kept this because it's good]

Also this track, because it's what I'm listening to and it's great:

Happy Friday xox

May Long

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IMG_6600Okay so it rained all weekend (of course) and was windy and cold and there was still a ton of ice on the lake, but we made the best of it and had a blast anyway.



IMG_6623It just made sense to go out and climb around on the ice before it got too dark. The mist rolled in and the rain started and it was intense.
IMG_6629Hope your long weekend was just as wonderfully relaxing and entertaining as mine was.

Can you believe we have to go back to work tomorrow? Even though it's been raining for four days it still feels like the weekend just started. Sigh.

Things that appalled me about "The Queen of Versailles"

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All of it.

But I still recommend that you watch it in order to experience the monumental amount of materialism, self-indulgence and wastefulness portrayed in the film, along with the complete lack of class, good taste and modesty, as well as the warped vision of the 'American Dream' that it displays.


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tried Modern Taco for the first time

drank beers on a Friday afternoon


listened to the Great Gatsby soundtrack on repeat

danced in spring rain

got my first cheque from Vine

worked out at least once every day

had a wine buzz

bought a badass mink coat for $50

landed a new job

and loved.

Every minute of err'y damn day.

Good things do happen.

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