Tagged: Friends
procrastinating saturday group skate-date post
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because remembering the weekend is to much more fun than another hour of transcribing interviews.
student probz.
Hip Hop Sunday #61 Kendrick Lamar - Swimming Pools (Drank)
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there are only a few things that are appropriate to do in this kind of cold
sleep in
play video games
or board games
drink beer
eat snacks
spend time with lovely people
(though that's always a good choice)
yesterday we were able to do all of those things.
so, a successful weekend, I think.
happy hip hop sunday.
I can't write today
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like how I had coffee with one of the former mayors of my city (the only female one, look it up)
and she said that she thought I would really go far
that she thought my project was "really important work"
told me in an email after we parted ways that
she feels proud of me even though she doesn't really know me at all
which was really nice.
we finally watched solaris so I can stop bringing it up
watch it all in one go or at max two
because by the third try everything's all disjointed and
probably not as creepy as it would have been
if you'd just stayed awake the whole time
we're making a snack which is a pita pizza
it's got sundried tomatoes and cheese on it
and nothing else
because it's fucking cold outside and there is
chance in hell that I'm bundling up to go to the store
or that I'm going to make tyrone do it
(sometimes I can be nice)
my friend @cenquist and a few others
(@adriantrimble @benquist @brennanlumsdon to name a few)
made a short film during the summer called
The Pint of Justice
in which yr hero and tyrone make cameo appearances
(and you can watch at the end of this post)
where upon watching
I learned that
watching myself
touching adrian's chin makes me feel uncomfortable.
any other day I could have probably pulled all of these into
at least
a somewhat entertaining post
(or several!)
but not today
it's just one of those nowriting days
which are basically worse than anything when yr a writer
We came, we saw, we ate bacon
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baconfest winnipeg is in its second year but this was my first time going and it was worth it to eat stuff like what's pictured above, which is bannock (I think)
@cenquist was there with his sad/scary movember 'stache taking notes about everything we ate which I forgot to do because I was too busy eating, duh.
there were bacon cookies and bacon cakes and bacon hot dogs with bacon sprinkles and bacon cinnamon buns and bacon pitas and bacon ravioli with lobster and bacon ice cream and omg
Tyrone was looking extra-sharp in his fab new bowtie and stunning 'stache
there were my little ponies
whose bacony insides we devoured with bread and pickles and peppers, oh my
and which @kenquist used to stir his bacon-espresso-coffee creation which tasted good but got weird towards the end

big thanks to @elishadacey for the ticket hook-up!
too much happened today, and nothing really at all
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had weird dreams which isn't unusual. if I told you guys half the weird shit I dream about every night you'd think I was crazy and be jealous that you don't get to have the same nighttime adventures I do.it's why I love naps. you always get the weirdest dreams when you sleep during the day.
whenever I'm sick like I am today I curl up in bed with my ipad and fall asleep to futurama or something like it and wake up still convinced that I'm somewhere else. except today my dreams were weird and I had to wake up before they were over and as I rolled out of bed I wasn't even sure I was awake, my head was so stuffed up.

it's one of the only good things about being sick, especially when you're sick and have to drag your sorry sick ass to class because you have to do a presentation and then this chick that you hate who constantly challenges everything everyone says feels the need to keep you up there defending your presentation for ten minutes when you just want to fall over.
I'm not saying all feminists are like this, but why is it all the ornery, nitpicky bitches in any class I've ever taken always self-identify as "feminists"?
seriously. all yr girl wanted to do was go back to my desk and keep my head down while she harassed every other presenter today about how they were wrong. then the class started talking about 'blogs as a medium' and people started talking about jenna marbles and I nearly lost it.
it was just one of those days.
the only solution was to grab a sammich and lie on the couch with The President and watch battlestar gallactica which I'm watching for the first time (shh I know) and it's so intense omg.
I was still feeling like junk later when tyrone came home and started making me soup and kat came by on a wave of rainbows and cuteness with half a homemade pumpkin pie which was perfect and delicious and so sweet and we watched joe kill it during the debate which made everything better.
now I'm on one end of the couch writing this and drinking the best coffee and tyrone is feeding me pieces of the cake that we're sharing as we watch more BSG and Ford is here purring and everything is great.
funny how a bunch of small things can make yr day go to shit
and how some other small things can make it better
it's almost the weekend and I'm excited.
yesterday wasn't nicole's birthday
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even though for some reason I thought it was now I'm even more charmed that she had us fools and a few cool people over to her place last night to drink beer and make and eat perogies together
before that started though yr hero managed to send cracker flying after I tried to spread cheese on a cracker that clearly wasn't meant for spreading. whoops. I also dropped bruschetta all over myself but I wasn't the only one.
eventually everyone started making perogies but I didn't because I learned my lesson from the cracker incident earlier and just hung back and chatted with some ladies including the lovely vanessa instead.
later on in the eve I had a lager that didn't agree with my tummy (it might have also been the copious amounts of food we ate. maybe). and got the tireds, so we left.
and snuggled together all the way home.
big thanks to our lovely friend for having us <3
Hip Hop #48 Nas - Daughters
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spent all day yesterday at @cenquist's place (and @benquist's, too) shooting vid for the Pint of Justice mini-film he's putting together
laughs were had
beer was drank
pizza was eaten
and I got to hit on @adriantrimble on film
which was pretty awesome.
except that was yesterday
and today's Hip Hop Sunday.
so enjoy it!