Tagged: Friends
sorry I've been so whiny lately
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looking back august was a pretty tough month. lots of personal ish went down and things got messy and I was stressed about student loans and classes and the usual student garbage on top of it. the only good thing about it was Connect and even that was a bit touch & go.
so surprise surprise we decided to kick august out with a bang and ring in a newer, cooler, more awesome month and did so first by joining @cenquist and @abstractartform for drinks at the forks.
before I go on I have to give credit where credit's due, and colin always introduces us to the coolest people. boy is a master networker if I ever met one.
yr girl had a bunch of g&t's and maybe got into a too-heated debate with shea about tribbing (NSFW NSFW NSFW) which I'm sure the rest of the patio LOVED to hear.
one of my favourite things to do is sit and drink and people-watch and we did just that all to a backdrop of classical music coming from the barge on the river yonder.
eventually that scene got old and shae was all
let me take u guys to the best karaoke in the city. it's at saffron's and it's going to blow yr mind
and not gonna lie I was like

but we went and I was wrong. so, so wrong.
within minutes of arriving a dude got up and sang phantom of the opera which is a wicked to begin with but made 10x better because he'd sing christine's part in a high falsetto, and phantom's part all deep with one hand covering his face (like the phantom's mask, silly)
dude changed my life for reals.
I've never seen karaoke of this calibre before and there was such a unique cast of characters there like
'A Superman' with the jaw of steel
and the super buff asian dude with the metal glasses and deep-assed voice
and the gay latino with the thin moustache who kept bringing girls up to sing duets from Rent
and oh hai jbroadway who serenaded us all with a serious rendition of my fav song from the killers
and my favourite the guy whose table we crashed who looked like the guy from 1972 solaris and sat there sipping his beer cool as a cucumber and then got up and killed it singing the beatles.
wow wow wow.
we closed down the bar and didn't roll into our casa until 4am after partying more with the boys and Dog Marley (best dog name ever) and even more debates about tribbing omg and the single shared beer and freestyling (though not by me).
totally the recharge yr girl needed to welcome september and a perfect reminder that
I have the best life.
power up!

Hip Hop Sunday # 44 Lupe Fiasco - Lamborghini Angels
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apparently I forgot to publish this yesterday.
which I feel bad about, because I'd promised Colin I'd post it for him
and now I feel like a bad friend
which I would elaborate on, but pizza just arrived
and I'm hungry
happy belated Hip Hop Sunday
or, rather
happy Monday.
today is Jabez's birthday
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Wikipedia says this about the name Jabez:
Jabez is a Biblical male given name from the Old Testament. It is of Hebrew Origin. In 1 Chronicles, Jabez is a well-respected man (ancestor in the lineage of the kings' tribe of Judah) whose prayer to God for blessing was answered (see 1 Chronicles 4:9-11).
which I didn't know when I met him on NYE three years ago and as a result proceeded to sit down next to him and ask him what his real name was, not his 'stupid raver nickname' and hassled him about it until he showed me his ID which, in fact, said Jabez on it.

despite this though he decided I was okay to hang out with and one time came over to drink wine and hang out before Tyrone's show at some bar, and because Jabez is better at computers than I could ever be he linked his computer to mine and was sharing some cool tunes with me and we were singing obnoxiously and we had a good time. then the next day I deleted what I thought was the link to our computers without asking him and accidentally deleted a whole bunch of his really important IT work stuff.
the poor guy must be a glutton for punishment because I can't even count the amount of times he's had us over for drinks and parties and I've passed out there, drank too much there, thrown up in his bathrooms, and otherwise been a bad guest. I've also been mad at him more times than I'd like because being friends with me is hard, sometimes.
and despite all this he keeps on being my friend for reasons I don't understand. maybe it's because he's older than I am and hopes that I won't be a total douche forever (which is probably wrong), or because we both have good taste in movies and music and literature and it's fun to have what you think is a high-brow intellectual conversation with someone and then look back and realize that you were just talking out your ass to each other the whole time.
which is what friends are for, right?
so happy birthday Jabez. I hope when I'm as old as you I can be even half as cool, and thanks for being my friend.
My friend Cenquist looks 12
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and on Saturday we went out to The King's Head to celebrate another year of him looking like a teenager
and drank beers that I assume he got ID'd to drink.
did I ever tell you how Cenquist and I met?
well, it was through the Internet
on twitter, actually
and I thought he was a bit of a know it all
until I met him IRL at #secrethandshake
and he was wearing a TMNT shirt and a TMNT hat
and I was all
"this guy is pretty legit"
and we've had many adventures since.
so happy un-birthday big guy
I promise that I'll throw you a party in half of The King's Head when you turn 50
even though you'll still look 12.
My good friend Johnny Broadway made a new video
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which is probably the sweetest thing you'll ever hear
and features some faces you might recognize ;)
(filmed, edited and produced by the super-talented Rachel Hosein)
T-minus four hours
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awww yeah
Got an invitation in the mail today
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Kat & John, I love you guys
see you at the party!
I promise this is the last time I'll bring this up
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Saturday after wine and singing along for the Johnny Broadway (ongoing) music vid shoot we were at Pop Soda's for Litta's birthday where we crashed a lesbian dance party (literally) and I was standing in the beer line with Johnny and this girl came up to me and was likeI need to tell you how beautiful you are. can I just... touch you? your hand or something?
and I don't know what level of wasted she was (probably very) but I know which level I was so I let her pet my hand like I was The Queen or something because, well, what else was I supposed to do?
so needless to say my ego exploded all over that joint
but it's not nice to brag which is clearly what I am doing (you would too) so this is officially the last time I am bringing up the story about The Girl Who Thought I Was So Beautiful She Wanted to Pet My Hand
so let's move on and watch this trailer for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Dancing in The Dark(ish)
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just a lil somethin' somethin' to get you through till this afternoon.
found this randomly while clearing out one of the many memory cards lying around the office and figured our good friend Johnny Broadway might appreciate seeing some of his uhhhh 'quasi-cover material' out here on the interwebz
but I've got a class to teach, so listen & enjoy and I'll see you kids later
The Zombie Gait destroyed my hips
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but it was all worth it!

Winnipeg Zombies were out in fine form last night, even Triangle Head from Silent Hill made an appearance as we all rallied at The Forks screaming for brainsssssssssssss

but we settled for Lil Pizza Heaven (twice! I know! and now I'm craving their garlic-buttered pizza crusts again... omnom!)

Zombie Afterparty at Pure. we tried to go to The Zoo but were deterred by the double-kick black metal playing (I'm not a metalhead, can you tell? hehe) and rallied there.

saw so many undead familiar faces out last night, it was so good hanging with everyone before I finally dragged my exhausted, undead self home. Tyrone had a shower with me to un-zombiefy and though that's not usually the sort of stuff I talk about on this here blog it was just too cute and fun, peeling the fake skin off each other and laughing, to not mention. it was the highlight of my night :)
it's already afternoon but it feels like morning to us. slept in like crazy and am currently lazing around in our pajamas. eventually I plan on dragging Tyrone out for some pho for lunch, I think (shh he doesn't know yet)
Half Pints 5th anniversary party at Lo Pub tonight! Can't wait!

Happy Caturday! xo