Tagged: Friends
May Long
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Can you believe we have to go back to work tomorrow? Even though it's been raining for four days it still feels like the weekend just started. Sigh.
Whacking balls around
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Sometimes the best fun you can have with yr friends is good, clean fun.
Hitting up the driving range, drinking weekday beers and tearin' it up at mini golf.

which turns out to be a lot harder than it looks.

We posed on fake, crooked bridges.

Saw some questionable-looking buildings.
(and didn't steal any of the Hot Wheels in the street unlike those who came before us)

Made some new friends
including Drunk Pig, Condescending Horse

and our best friend, the Ketamine Cowboy
who says "no more, I'm done".
Books on the go:
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(plus this tune by The Airborne Toxic Event, who my dear friend Kat has been trying to turn me onto forever and who I secretly ADORE even though I keep telling her I don't ;) )
- The Jungle
- The English Patient
- The Marketing Agency Blueprint
- All Quiet on the Western Front
- Babbit
The weather is perfect and I'm looking forward to lying in a park this weekend and reading in the sunshine. Sounds perfect, eh?
Gimme yr book recommendations, I'll read anything!
Technicolor fabrics
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Yo no hablo español, pero me gusta esta banda inconformista mexicana mucho y he estado escuchando a ellos sin parar últimamente.
Just kidding I don't speak Spanish. Blame Google translate for the shitty translation.
Anyway this is Technicolor Fabrics whom I love. They also sing some songs in English.
I listened to them while painting the kitchen over the past two days which not only reminded me that I can actually do stuff around the house but also demonstrated how disgusting my kitchen walls were. I've lived in my apartment for three years and they probably hadn't been painted in over a decade.
It was one of those situations where we started painting, saw the difference, and made faces like this:

Apartment problems for reals.
Besides boring apartment life tomorrow is the Winnipeg Wine Festival which btw is one of the highlights of my social calendar. Because we live stumbling distance from the Convention Center everyone comes over and has snacks and then we walk there, drink too much wine, stumble back and eat more food (natch).
Here are some photos from Wine Fests past (from 2009-2012):

Upon closer inspection it's also the one time a year I curl my hair, apparently.
But enough of my BS, it's almost the weekend!
Jam out kids, and don't do anything I wouldn't do!
Frank Turner stole my heart and I think that's okay
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I've been needing new music in my life lately.
Scratch that.
I've been needing new music in my life lately new everything in my life lately.
Maybe it's the never-ending winter or my looming exams or my mounting student loan bill but it's been a bit tough to look on the bright side lately. I'm a cynic by nature and I've been working on it but things feel stale, stagnant... I'm waiting for the change I know is coming and it can't get here fast enough.
Good to remember this today:
Just had a cup of Earl Grey but shouldn't have. I need to go to bed soon, I've got my two exams tomorrow basically back-to-back and my hand is going to be a shrivelled claw by the end of my 6+ hour writing marathon. Essay-style exams are the best because I'm good at them, but the worst because they're so physically draining. Word up to my rhetoric peeps!
Beers afterward with Colin and Adrian at the Toad in the Hole afterward though. It's going to be well-deserved and it's going to be good. Tweet @ me if you'd like to come by and say hello!
got hit on in Value Village the other day
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dear friend John is having a party tonight which involved wearing pyjamas and playing in blanket forts and eating sleepover food. oh and drinking, of course, because that makes it acceptable for adults to do these kinds of ridiculous things.
which meant on thursday we went to Value Village with Kat & John and scoped out random clothes and also more blankets with which to make the aforementioned amazing fort.
at one point I went over to scope the book section as I usually do. I think all but one of my Margaret Atwood books have come from VV and a lot of other books in my library, too, so I always go over to scope out which books people don't want to read anymore.
so I round the corner walking with the kind of determination that you only get while in a store filled with people slowly walking with huge shopping carts and almost walk smack into this dude
I apologize and step around him and start examining the 'literature' section because obviously that's what I read, right?
and I'm standing there surveying the books and you know that feeling you get when you know someone is looking at you? I'm getting that hardcore so I turn and look at the dude in the aisle with me with an espression I hope is conveying the following sentiment:
one eyebrow cocked and everything and sure enough he's looking at me and looks away and I look away because not it's extra-weird and he goes
you look really nice this evening
and runs out of the aisle.
which made it extra awkward when later on while looking through obnoxious suit combo outfits he came around the corner and we made eye contact and he ducked behind a rack of jeans to avoid me. awesome.
but Tyrone is playing Skyward Sword and we're both tearing up, so I'd better go before the waterworks turn on.
unrelated to my earlier story but this game is so sweet.
turns out drawing "bookends" is harder than you'd think
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especially with a tummy full of crazy good food n turkey n drinksI know easter is a time for family but we decided to share it with the family we get to pick
namely, some of the finest individuals you could ever hope to make mildly offensively-titled alcoholic beverages and play mildly offensive games with.

also we played pictionary which I am not good at when drunk or at all.
it was also #cenquistday which if you're unfamiliar is a day that is dedicated to our favourite
ninja turtle loving
hat wearing
#crecomm studying
craft beer drinking
friend from the Internet
it was also the day we went out and bought a car.
wtf did YOU do?
Hip Hop Sunday #65 Jay Z - 99 Problems
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today's hip hop sunday is for nicole
who let us pile into her car and jam to jay z earlier this week
it's all about the little things in life, kids.
appreciate 'em.
and enjoy
your hip hop sunday.
PechaKucha the thirteenth
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this school kid doesn't usually go out on school nights
but nicole and joseph were speaking
and I'll always come out to support cool people
totally worth it.
I've been to a few PKN's but this one was by far the best.

we wore 3D glasses
drank tasty half pints lil scrapper
got a talking-to about legislation
were inspired to create positive change
listened to good music
(among other things).
afterward yr girl, tyrone, vanessa & jackson jammed to jay z in nicole's car
and I stuffed my face with greasy lil pizza heaven
(because I've worked out every day this week, dammit!)
perfect evening.