Tagged: Friends
Dave Stieb
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This morning I listened to this on the bus and started laughing to myself and I scared the Asian lady sitting next to me.
She gave me these weird looks which said
"why are you cackling on mass transit what's happening"
because she didn't realize that back in the day I dated a guy from Ontario who was really into punk rock
and he would always go on about this band
called Sewing With Nancie
that he fucking loved
and Canada is such a small place that one of the dudes from that band is now living in Winnipeg and is one of my best friends
who, over wings and too much food after Connect Festival last weekend
in this awful Chili's in Saskatchewan filled with families and cooing babies trying to have fake Mexican-themed lunches
where we said FUCK and SHIT and talked about drugs
and basically made asses out of ourselves
he talked about how people LOVED Sewing With Nancie back in the day which he thought was great because
"we had two, TWO, fucking songs about the Toronto Blue Jays!"
and I remembered my Ontario boyfriend always going on about one of them when we would drive around in his car
which is what led to me listening to Dave Stieb on the bus this morning
and freaking out that nice Asian lady
because she just didn't get how ridiculous my life is.
Hot chocolate with lunch
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I know you're thinking:Alyson it's July wtf are you drinking HC for?
it's because when I moved into my new office at work there was (is) a bookshelf with a bunch of random stuff on it and our HR lady said "if you want these hot chocolate packets you can have them" which was nice I guess.
Problem is instead of the soothing 'aah' feeling I was hoping for I'm reminded of winter and skating and hidden bottles of Southern Comfort.
Which isn't what I should be thinking about in July, I know.
I should be thinking about how in a few short hours I'll be in a car blasting Cake or listening to "Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls" on our way to BC and once we get there I'll camp and listen to music and eat Fatty Arbuckle's and party with some of my favourite people on the planet and then go soak in a hot spring before coming home to normal life for a few days before another adventure.
I'm a lucky girl with exciting adventures ahead and instead all I'm doing is thinking about that time we took Adrian skating for the first time and got tipsy on ice.
Which made for a cool photo op, but really.
I'm so exhausted it's hard to type
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I'm lying in bed resting my poor, sore feet after spending the whole evening cleaning the apartment. When you have hardwood floors everywhere plodding back and forth from room to room dusting, sweeping, mopping and etc takes a toll and combined with the excessive partying between festivals and weddings and etc lately I'm wiped.
It's almost a shame that we're leaving to head to BC in two sleeps for Motion Notion.
I didn't grow up going camping at all and the first time I went "camping" it was just this giant outdoor multi-day mini festival and I didn't even have a tent. I was supposed to share a tent with a girl I knew and that kinda got fucked up.
That was a fucked up weekend, kinda.
But it got me camping, which has led to it being an "every other weekend" event every summer.
Anyway the day after Motion Notion ends Ty and I are going to Radium Hot Springs and we're gonna stay in a hotel with a real bed and a real shower and go for greasy food in town in addition to soaking in the hot springs before driving home.
After four days of camping in tents and only showering when I feel like coughing up $5 (!!!) for a few minutes of soapy goodness it's gonna be unreal.
I'd like to say I'll be blogging about it but who knows. I'm so behind with Folk Fest and Owen and D's wedding and all the other nonsense we've been up to this summer that I can't make any promises right now.
Because I'd never lie to you, because ILU.
Even if I don't keep in touch all that often.
Saw Abstract Artform at Le Garage last night
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Which was amazing. Duh.
I had g&ts and a whiskey sour and some beers and sat at a high table with Colin, Nicole, John, Tyrone and Kat (who doesn't do the twitters) and had the pleasure of seeing Kendra and John who I haven't seen in ages.
When I got there I was going to the bathroom and this chick wearing a tank top that said
or something like that was coming out and wiping her face all weird and she was definitely fucked up and it was cray.
I kept my eye on her all night and several times she came out of the bathroom and was wiping her mouth and nose area with both hands like she had just puked or done a boatload of drugs or something.
She was still there when we left n she was getting progressively more wasted the whole time.
I hope she's ok.
Also later while I was in the bathroom this happened:

Anyway Tiffany Ponce was a great opening act (also, nice meeting you in person, finally!) and Abstract Artform killed it.
That guy is so talented it's stupid.
If you weren't there you kinda missed out. Sorry to say.
Ty went outta town this past weekend
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so I put on a maxi dress and made cray salad and took photos with this beaut.
We had a BBQ and lots of mixed boozy drinks at Owen & D's.
It didn't rain like it was supposed to so we sat in their backyard getting bit by mosquitoes.
who I can only assume were attracted to my pretty blue dress
which I later passed out in on a bed in the basement
which I assume is set up specifically for that purpose
or so our hosts can bone & watch TV at the same time.
I don't wanna know which.
Anyway I had the weirdest dreams which is unusual
not because I don't usually have weird dreams, which I do
but because usually when yr girl drinks there are no dreams
of weird horses and shoes and pinball machines
just dark, dreamless sleep
and greasy food when I wake up.
Which there was, come to think of it.
It's good to have constants in one's life, I think.
Sometimes you just gotta do it right
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and by that I mean bike yr ass to almost the suburbs to try Blondie's, which is this infamous burger joint in Winnipeg. It's also been featured on You Gotta Eat Here which is how some non-prairie peeps know about it.I'd never been there myself but I'd always heard stories about the crazy lady who runs it. It's just her in the kitchen by herself and apparently she'll scream at you and kick you out if yr a dick or you pisser off which both terrified and intrigued the shit outta me.
Luckily she has her rules posted all around the joint so you know what not to do.

The most famous(est) part of going to Blondie's besides the lady who runs it is the sheer massive size of the burgers they offer. I stayed safe with the 1/8 pound burger and even that was almost too much with a poutine.

I wish I could go back and eat this right now.

They also offer huge milkshakes which were a little too rich for my blood.
Yes that's also a pun about ice cream.

When we got there it was super packed so we had to wait a while, and as we were leaving the owner apologized to us for making us wait which kinda disappointed me since I was hoping she'd tell us to fuck off or something.
I briefly considered saying something rude back to see what would happen but then I saw her kneading this massive pile of hamburger patty in the air I decided I'd better not.
That lady could have totally kicked my ass.
Hip Hop Sunday #74 Abstract Artform - Through My Music
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One of those Sunday mornings when I ask myself
why the hell am I awake already?
and showered, to boot?!
After an evening of throwing a glowing frisbee in the park in the middle of the night
accompanied by a bonfire
smokies n 'shmallows
and random drunken lost people who became our friends
(and donated more firewood, thanks!)
I should still be asleep right now.
I've got a wedding shower to go to
with snacks n mimosas to make
and I don't wanna let the lovely Derp Review down.
So here I am.
Enjoying the shit out of my hip hop Sunday.
Hope you are too.
The only problem with Aband*nthecar's show last night
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was that not enough people saw it.
This was due to some really bad scheduling on the part of Stylus Magazine, who hosted the show at the Rose n Bee last night where there were two kickass acts and one wtf in between.
Usually I don't go around slamming local musicians. Yr grl can't read music, sing, or play an instrument to save 'er life but I know tone-deaf when I hear it and the second act (who shall remain nameless) was tone-deaf.

The first band, Hana Lu Lu, were amazing. Check 'em out if you're in prairietown and like new wave and fog machines and lead singers with long hair who are kinda smarmy.
They played a really good set and their music was top-notch, so when dude got on stage with a guitar and an amp got on stage we were all
"alright let's do this. rock our socks guy"
except he kinda totally did the exact opposite.
I won't rag on him too much but it was bad news. He kept losing track of where he was in his songs, was tone-deaf, and for his last "song" did an a cappella terrible karaoke-style version of Like A Prayer complete with ad-libbed hoarse-screamed ad-libbed versions of the lyrics about how he didn't know why he was still singing.
Protip: neither did we.
By the time he was done the bar was basically cleared which was sad because Aband*nthecar's set was so sweet and lovely and even though we were out way too late it was worth it.
Needless to say I'm unimpressed with how the Stylus people handled the show. The minute they realized the guy was bombing they should have pulled him offstage, because they did a real disservice to a musician who clearly took the show seriously.
So for those of you that didn't get to, you can hear the stylings of Aband*nthecar here, and in the video below:
Today is Komus' birthday
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I met Chris Komus once upon a time at a bar called Sonar which is now a gay bar I think.It was a regular haunt for the people I now consider to be my dear friends and I was just getting to know everyone at the time, so it's all kind of a blur of beers, dancing, loud music and new people. Somewhere in there I met Komus, though we didn't really start hanging until I started dating Tyrone because they have the weirdest bromance ever.
However in the few short years I've known him I've managed to accumulate a ton of amazing memories such as:
- when we all went to Montreal for MUTEK
- running into a freezing lake in the middle of the night completely wasted
- way too many potlucks
- robot costumes
- gross Santa Suits
- educating the people of Connect about narwhals over the speaker system
- the pedobear costume
- and the epic Komus Party Halo:
Last year I had the privilege of driving out to Motion Notion in BC with him, Morley and Tyrone, and have so many ridiculous stories involving cars, ponchos, and air conditioning, plus getting lost in the mountains, Fatty Arbuckle's, wearing too many tshirts, awful lime beer, broken Styrofoam coolers, and a failed attempt to walk to the bathroom in the dark in the pouring rain where Komus proceeded to get lost and I had to run around with a sad, flickering flashlight, soaked to the bone, screaming
into the pitch black BC forest trying to find him.
Some of my best memories have been made while I've been in the company of this ridiculous man, and even though he's never on time and he and Tyrone totally get out of hand sometimes, I hope he never, ever changes.
HBD mang, thanks for being my summer bestie.