Tagged: Music
Some ways I can make today better:
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Listening to my favourite Chilly Gonzales track.
eating ice cream (but not this much or I'll get sick)

getting hugs from this fine gentleman:
and crying.
I said goodbye today
to someone who means the world to me
my heart is breaking
and all I can do
is tell you that I love you
and be glad that we still have each other
Welcome to my office
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it's gloomy outside but I'm all sunshine in here. got a coffee with my boss first thing this morning and worked on some hand-outs listening to This American Life all morning. love that show, Ira Glass is one of my heroes.
had a session today where I helped the sweetest lady look up the tiny town in Italy that she grew up in. she hadn't been back to visit in over 45 years and started to cry when we found her elementary school because she was so happy to see it. it's reasons like that why I love The Internet.
last night Tyrone and I had a home-made pizza party.

plus I got a massive hunk of prosciutto for only 9$ :)
busy day today. have another training session in ten minutes and a jam-packed afternoon followed by class this eve. this is my jam today:
Some Friday advice for you
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it's true.
Fantastic Friday. Spent all morning teaching which is so fun and rewarding and surprisingly hard! I can't wait to do it more. had a mega-healthy spinach salad I brought from home & watched clips of my crush Stephen Colbert over lunch. it's chilly and sunny and just like I like my Octobers to be.
I'm jetting out of here shortly to get prepped for the Zombie Walk tonight, are you going? It's going to be an insane time, we're going to party like we're in North Korea.
This is Joseph Gordon-Levitt being awesome
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but when isn't he, really? I've been in love with him forever.
my mum is from England so you know she loves three things:
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1. Tea
2. Elton John
3. Freddie Mercury
my first memories of my mum when I was growing up are either of her cleaning the house on Sunday mornings smelling like furniture polish listening to Elton John or drinking tea and my first memory of trying to understand what a homosexual was, was when she'd talk about Queen and say "Freddie Mercury was gay, what a waste" (I think she had a thing for him but have never confirmed this)
truth be told I don't know if my mum even likes Queen (she's more an Elton gal) but that lady loves Freddie Mercury and why wouldn't she? who doesn't? I'll tell you who: people who hate homosexuals and people who have poor taste in music. which are probably all the same people anyway.
even if you're like my mum and aren't into good music besides Elton John (sorry mum! I still love you! do you even read this?) you still have to accept that Freddie Mercury is one of the most talented musicians ever and Queen was hands-down the shit.
sure I'm kind of against the song "we will rock you" but that's because it's so bloody good that you hear it every time something even awesome/epic happens which is basically like all the time. also at sporting events (or 'we are the champions', but not as often).
Mr Mercury would have been 65 today if he hadn't died of AIDS. can you believe that? can you imagine what rock music would have become if he'd been able to live longer? we can't because what those guys did was just too game-changing and original and trying to figure out what they would have come up with next would make you go cross-eyed from thinking too hard.
their stuff completely changed the face of music and is still hugely influential and will probably always be. I can't think of a single rock musician off the top of my head who hasn't quoted Queen/Freddie Mercury as sources of inspiration, can you? don't even try because odds are you can't, they were huge, are huge, and will always be huge.
Hip Hop Sunday #14 - Chilly Gonzales - Party In My Mind
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this is probably the strangest video I've posted to Hip Hop Sunday to date
Chilly Gonzales is weird and I like that
and he's really, really good
also here is a video of him performing my other fav song 'Supervillain Music' with an orchestra. yeah.
happy Hip Hop Sunday
aujourd'hui je vais vous parler en français
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un petit peu.est-ce-que tu savais que je peuvent parler le français? c'est malheureux mais par-ce que tous mes amies sont des anglophones je ne peut pas pratiquer ma deuxiemme langue très souvent.
peut-être c'est pour cette raison que j'aime la musique français. comme ça:
in case you can't speak French, basically what I said was just that I speak French but don't get to practice it often because most of my friends are anglophones and the ones who speak french don't just speak it for fun. honestly the grammar was the hardest part, after a while you forget where all the accents and stuff go. whew.
in other news because I hurt my knees running we didn't go for a bike adventure and watched an episode of this on Netflix.
Kickass show tonight
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Enjoy Your Pumas is opening tonight along with other locals Mise En Scene
I'm mildly obsessed with the Pumas, so check out the vid and lemme know your reaction
(also the vid's shot all around #Winnipeg -that castle the guy rolls out of is on the U of W campus -I took an exam in there once!)
they're also opening for one of my fav bands Library Voices who I adore
mega stoked for this show
and also how free it is (thanks UMFM!)
we're meeting up with @jabezlee and his lovely lady and booking 'er over
and now I've realized
we're going to be late
I was drunk
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okay, I wasn't
at least not since Friday
but that's the name of this track
and the ridiculous horribly-cut hilarious vid samples scenes from
Black Cat White Cat
which we haven't watched yet
even though we've watched the video a million times
and it's responsible for our whole social circle doing this:

Library Voices at the WECC
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In the glory that was MEME I totally forgot to mention: I won tickets to see one of my favourite bands, Library Voices, at the West End Cultural Centre on July 14th!
So excited! Look at all those synths! (keyboards? Whatever. So stoked)
Thanks a mil UMFM, I really appreciate you guys hooking me up!