Tagged: Music
so I was thinking about this song this morning
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because @stefspeaks has had it stuck in my head for ages now
and I was thinking to myself
Shaggy is a really shitty friend
I mean, either he's a 'frenemy' and deliberately giving black Ben Stiller bad advice
or he's just doesn't care enough to set his friend straight
either way
he doesn't deserve to have a bunch of foxy women hanging around his house
did I tell you smoky tiger rocked our socks the other night?
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usually they sing songs about Manitoba and weird Canadian history stuff but tonight was extra-special because they covered amazing songs sung amazingly by other people before them
and guys they rocked it
there isn't much room for dancing at The Standard but some people were cutting rugs but not your hero because I'm too self-conscious to dance all slow to slow Nirvana songs and not wound up enough to jump around all mosh-like to the fast Nirvana songs
and do you even dance to The Doors or do you just sit around and smoke joints and drink beers and listen and be amazed? because I've never seen anyone dance to The Doors
but I saw people dancing to Smoky Tiger singing The Doors while wearing a tiger hat with paws on a Saturday night
and that's close enough for me.
MEME released a new promo vid today
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and though you guys all know I'm the social media coordinator for one of the best festivals on the Prairies
and though I try not to brag (too much) about how great MEME really is
I needed to share our brand-spakin' new promo vid with you guys, because watching it gets me so excited for this coming summer
we're got some great acts booked, like
John Tejada
Adham Shaikh
Pablo Bolivar
and possibly the coolest venue in town, the Winnipeg Art Gallery.
and yes, yes, I know it's the middle of January and June seems like a million miles away, but there's nothing like anticipating all the fun you'll be having over the summer to warm your spirit, right?
I'm going a bit crazy right now thinking about how insane things are going to be once we shift into full-on Festivel Prep Mode. Omg.
seriously guys, this year's MEME is going to be ridiculous.
ps: make sure to follow us at @memefestival also ;)
don't worry I'm not doing a year in review
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nobody needs to read more of those
so instead I've found some cool stuff to leave you with as I sign off on 2011 and look towards 2012

and some videos:
Okay, it's time to start partying. See you kids in 2012!
Happy New Year everyone!
remember back before The Internet?
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yeah I try not to, eitherthose were much darker days, without 4chan and reddit and 2 girls 1 cup
okay maybe we could do without that last one

last night we watched a flick called 'Streets of Fire'
with hot 18yr old Diane Lane & Willem Dafoe in leather overalls
and 80s power ballads
which we fist-pumped & lip-synced to from the couch
and afterward Tyrone was all like
"hey wanna see something weird?"
and told me that when he was a kid he was watching Inspector Gadget
and his sister put on a Bonnie Tyler LP
and they matched up
and thanks to the magic of The Internet
I can show you
what Tyrone and his sister discovered
before The Internet.
so mute & watch this:
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is have lunch with my dad this aft
study, study, study,
go to the gym
and study
here's one of the many jams I rock while cramming information into my cranium
(with an awesome video directed by Michel Gondry!)
exams time = crazy Alyson!
Playing hooky on a school night
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okay not really because my classes are finished for this term and I have a day off tomorrow, but stillwas feeling antsy after spending so much time hunched over my desk writing papers yesterday that we hit up the now-infamous Pop Soda's for some of the good stuff
namely this:

and this:

the best part of the night was getting to hear Smoky Tiger aka The Manitobanditz, who honestly I'd never heard before. I love weird quirky music (#Winnipeg is great for this) and managed to Keek some of their cover of Nirvana's "Come As You Are"
we didn't stay to hear all of Jicah's set afterwards, but if you aren't already listening to them I highly recommend their stuff. Solid prairie music.
now we're home and I'm drinking hot chocolate that Tyrone made from scratch and we're listening to this:
nightnight! xo
Hip Hop Sunday #22 - Geto Boys: Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangsta
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the use of this song is one of the best parts of Office Space
besides the scene where they smash the printer
enjoy your Hip Hop Sunday
I'm so out of touch with kids these days
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like for example
when did little kids start wanting to dress up as electronic music producers who dress up with big mouse heads?
when did they start listening to drum n bass?
and more importantly... why is an awful remix of Ghosts 'n Stuff being played at a children's Halloween dance?
I don't even know what's happening anymore.
this is what I looked like when I woke up today:
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this is what I'm listening to right now:
(except without the misogyny)
Enjoy your Saturday, skids!