Tagged: Music
omg it's Symptom Tech's birthday
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it's XVI old which means sixteen, which is the age I was when I went to one of their first parties which is kinda cray to think about.
it was called 20,000 Watts Under the Sea and my dear friend and onetime fake husband on the Internet alex-lee convinced me and my friend Dyan that it'd be a good idea to lie to our parents about where we were going and go to (dum dum dum) a rave.
if you haven't been to a rave don't bother because the crap they call 'raves' today isn't the kind of rave I went to that night and from what my elders from 'the scene' tell me this was on the tail-end of when raves were good, and believe me this one was good. so good that the giant fight I had with my parents when I came home the next day was totally worth it.
I was a changed almost-woman.
since then I've gone to my fair share of 'raves' and have watched the legitimacy of those massive parties slip away into the more sophisticated club shows that you can occasionally see my face out at, and are sometimes thrown by the kids at Symptomtech who, like me, aren't kids anymore.
now we're old and jaded and talk about the 'good old days when parties were still good'.
even though they're still good, sometimes. usually when the people I know are throwing them which is the case here but nevertheless.
that party changed things for me.
as a result of that one experience I met most of the people I'm friends with now, tyrone who I've been dating for nearly three years, a trip to montreal, multiple music festivals in other provinces, and my role in MEME.
all because Symptom Tech threw a party. and alex-lee took me to it.
thanks kids, and happy anniversary!
Hip Hop #48 Nas - Daughters
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spent all day yesterday at @cenquist's place (and @benquist's, too) shooting vid for the Pint of Justice mini-film he's putting together
laughs were had
beer was drank
pizza was eaten
and I got to hit on @adriantrimble on film
which was pretty awesome.
except that was yesterday
and today's Hip Hop Sunday.
so enjoy it!
I'm a sucker for covers
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like today we were listening to this amazing playlist on songza called space age bachelor pad and this song came on that we got up and started dancing to (yeah I know) and then I couldn't find it again
what was it? oh you know, just this cover random of a song from my fair lady by bobby darin
and damn was it a catchy cover
which led to this ridiculous 20+ min search for somewhere I could listen to it again and post here which it turns out is basically impossible. maybe it's to do with the rights on the song or something but it's nowhere to be found, and I had to buy it on itunes the old-fashioned way and have no way to share it with y'alls.
oh well, you get this wicked cake cover instead.
remember cake? how could you forget?
well I did, for a while actually and was only reminded that they existed a few years back when tyrone came over just after we'd started seeing each other. you know that phase where you make sure to gargle mouthwash and sweep yr place and make sure you didn't leave a bunch of hair in the bathroom? yeah, then.
we were having an origami date which involved sitting on the floor in my tiny living room drinking red wine on a weeknight (which I rarely do) and eating grapes and cheese and make elegant paper cranes which I was awful at and of course tyrone excelled at doing. of course.
and I don't remember why but he put on short skirt long jacket and I was blown away by the cleverness of the lyrics that honestly I'd just never really paid attention to as a stupid kid when it came out.
I think I fell in love with him a little more because he reintroduced me to cake. but don't tell him that.
afterwards he sang along to their cover of strangers in the night while we sat on the couch and it's one of my favourite songs ever and that was basically it. I was done for, totally head-over-heels.
that's all it took.
Aloe Blacc is making my day
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was under-dressed today by accident.
wore a dress & suit-jacket to school thinking I looked posh but what I actually looked like was cold.
it was raining and I didn't have an umbrella but I didn't care because I was just going to class to sit and learn, anyway.
I was the only person smiling at the crosswalk
everyone else was frowning under their umbrellas or hoods and wearing jeans and sneakers and I was getting drenched in my dress and grinning like a maniac
because why the eff not?
life is good, damn the rain.
a boy looked at me like I was crazy but I just grinned at him and he smiled, too
and asked if I wanted to share his umbrella
I said no, thanks, but you're a peach for offering
and splashed in a puddle on my way across the street.
RIP The Lo Pub
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yesterday I went out with tyrone, @abstractartform and @cenquist for some beers and snacks at my favourite close-to-school haunt, the lo pub, which is closing this weekend and it's breaking my heart.
I don't 100% understand what's happened beyond the fact that the HI hostel that was in the same building is moving and the building was up for sale and, I guess, the new owners didn't want to keep the lo pub part of it.
what I do know and understand is that it sucks, 100%.
besides the fact that lo is right beside my campus and was the perfect place to head in-between (or before, or after) class to grab some half pints and something from their seriously delicious vegetarian menu (omg the chickpea fritters omg) and hang with friends, to the monthly meetups for secret handshake, it was a super-important venue for the local music scene.
I've seriously seen every kind of band there, shitty rock and low-key indie and weepy chicks singing and the 8-bit shows my pal mr ghosty (pictured) did there, too. I'm not a musician (ha) but my peeps tell me jack was the nicest and coolest guy to deal with, and he gave a legitimate shit about the music scene here.
he's one of those guys who might not know you (though he might know me from how often I sucked back beers there) but everyone knows who he is. I'm sure there are lots of people who owe their first shows to him, and lots more who owe their awesome evenings to him.
RIP lo pub. here's hoping the crew can make the magic happen somewhere else real soon.
remember the tv show scrubs?
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with what's his name with the hair who was in garden state and fantasized about being a floating head doctor that was on in the early 2000's. I used to watch it with my friend eric when I was in highschool but you probably didn't know that.anyway I just found out that Ted the neurotic lawyer's barbershop quartet that he has in that one episode is actually a legit barbershop quartet in real life and they went on the BBC and did a cover of a bunch of songs including some katy perry track I've never heard of.
though I think it's safe to assume their version is better.
Hip Hop Sunday # 44 Lupe Fiasco - Lamborghini Angels
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apparently I forgot to publish this yesterday.
which I feel bad about, because I'd promised Colin I'd post it for him
and now I feel like a bad friend
which I would elaborate on, but pizza just arrived
and I'm hungry
happy belated Hip Hop Sunday
or, rather
happy Monday.
My good friend Johnny Broadway made a new video
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which is probably the sweetest thing you'll ever hear
and features some faces you might recognize ;)
(filmed, edited and produced by the super-talented Rachel Hosein)
saw this great band last night
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called Sons of York
at a teeny tiny bar that you have to walk through the front part of a restaurant and down some stairs to get to that feels like a grotto and has Big Rock on tap and was filled with people in big parkas because it was effin' cold
Sons of York played for a bit as Sons of York but also played as Teenage Mutant Ninja Band for their 90s cover show which is what Kevin and Rhonda and I were there to see which was also awesome.
they played Weezer and RHCP and some other stuff which was also good, but I forget what because I'm kind of in a rush right now
creep on Sons of York here, here and here
which you should do because they're really, really good.
oh and 5 Fifty Five Osborne please get a website or FB page or something together so I can creep your shows, pls.
I'm outta here guyse, we've got a ride waiting outside.
happy saturday.
okay yes Gotye is huge
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but if there's something I love more than a good track
it's a good cover
and this is one
the guy on the right totally makes it.
(props to @DJBerbs for the find & share!)