Tagged: Music
pickin' up the pieces
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almost the weekend. dance. have some wine. enjoy the shit out of it.

baby you know if I could be anything at all
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I'd be an actor in musical theatre production like ASSASSINS! which I saw last week while out on a fun friday night date.
okay yeah sure being a surgeon would be ballin, cuttin' people open and saving lives and stucking my hands into their warm, squishy inside parts.
and taking people skydiving would be cool, strappin' 'em to me and being like 'we're falling out of this plane right away, you scurred?' and then jumping like a boss.
but honestly all I wanna do
is sing and dance and tell a little story
and move some people a couple nights a week.
problem is
I can't sing
or dance
so I'll have to stick to writing a wicked blog instead
while secretly listening to broadway jamz in my earbuds
dreaming of the stage.
you know I never liked modest mouse
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dude I dated a few years ago was super into them.
he used to play their cds in his car all the time.
it sucked because and he would always do super-sweet things like wake up early to pick me up and take me to work even when it was his day off.
but on the mornings he'd play modest mouse it was just ruined.
I know, I know. I should be thankful that he even went out of his way in the first place. and I was.
don't get me wrong.
but their music is so intrusive and annoying and it was really hard to have a conversation
with modest mouse blasting over everything I said
especially first thing in the morning.
it's important to pick the right music to listen to when you start yr day
I'd tell him
which is why I always pick something super upbeat.
a nice 90's playlist or cbc radio 3. y'know.
but this guy
his alarm in the mornings was the intro to chop suey by system of a down
which was probably the worst thing to wake up to ever
then he'd rush out the door and listen to modest mouse in the mornings in his car
and then be mad all day.
I don't get people.
I think Tyrone is mad at me
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why else would he have not told me that the men without hats have apparently gotten back together and released a track?!
I would have never guessed the band that are responsible for the safety dance would come up with something like this
it sounds like a mash-up of music from every video game I've ever played and the 80's
and god damn, despite my better judgement
I kinda love it.
(on a side note
tyrone, are we having a fight I don't know about?)
okay so we didn't watch solaris
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I'm working on this huge project of sorts which is sucking up a lot of time now that I'm back in school and tomorrow I'm having a pre-interview coffee with one of the former mayors of the city which I'm a bit freaked out about, honestly.
I'm sure she's super nice and she'll be charming and hilarious and I'll be this weird nervous wreck all hopped-up on coffee because we're meeting at Starbucks and their coffee makes me sick to my stomach, a little bit.
doing work for this project has been eating up a lot of my time but it's going way better than expected and I think my prof is impressed with it, which is always a bonus.
still doesn't make me less nervous to start interviewing people, though.

so basically I put off watching solaris because we needed to clean the apartment, you guys, and I needed to make sure I had all my shit together for these interviews I have coming up for this project. by the time I was done it was like 10:30pm and tyrone was all
we can't watch solaris. we'll fall asleep and jason will yell at us on the internet more for falling asleep during solaris again.
which is probably true.
so we hung out in bed and tyrone fell asleep and I read more of ham on rye which is just, wow, so messed up.
weird thing is that I've been having amazing dreams after reading bukowski. not fucked-up weird things, but these ridiculous adventure dreams where I wake up fully refreshed and ready to take on the world because I just finished kicking ass in my dream.
you know what I mean.
usually in the mornings I tell tyrone what I've been dreaming about because he never remembers his dreams and I feel bad for him. sleeping is one of my favourite things to do, mostly because I have really intense dreams and I feel like he's missing out by not remembering them.
the problem with dreams is that they never make sense. like, ever. so he kinda rolls his eyes or makes a weird face and then leaves the room without saying anything.
I've thought about keeping a dream diary and maybe making a book out of the amalgamation of my stupid dreams and becoming a bazillionaire off the profits. I mean is twilight and 50 shades of grey can be bestsellers why can't my piece of crap novel?
but then I wouldn't have time to blog here because I'd be doing pressers and tours and stuff, so fuck that shit I guess.
Hip Hop Sunday #54 Classified - Anything Goes
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my obsession continues
there's just something about the east coast
don't know what
but music from there is so
(& happy hip hop sunday)
watching this is getting me excited
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because in a few hours I'll be at one of my favourite venues watching one of my favourite musicians, with with some of my favourite people.
I've pimped dan mangan a lot on this blog 'o mine, especially lately as I've been counting down the days till when I get to sit in an audience and get all teary about how amazing his music and his lyrics and his voice are, holding tyrone's hand way too tight, drinking in the music.
and this video is just
so if you've ignored every time I've talked about him until now
do yrself a favour
watch it.
it's good, I promise.
one of my favourite local artists covers one of my favourite songs
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james struthers is a super-talented young lad who I've been mildly obsessed with for the past few years.
and rightfully so.
(& happy friday)
This is actually amazing
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Mitt Romney strikes me, so hard.
Makes me feel like Shirley Sherrod.
Out of context, those words aren't mine.
The private sector's doing fine.
Feels good, when the economy's weak,
Responding with a national security leak.
Osama Bin Laden, I killed.
And that was a mission you didn't build.
If you've given three dollars before,
I'm asking again for a few dollars more.
Clint Eastwood and the empty chair
Would be bettter than this Republican pair.
Shut up, it's my turn.
Let's rap together. Go ahead. You've got a lot to learn.
Mr Ryan and his voucher retailin'.
Maybe he's just a brighter shade of Palin.
Mr Romney...and his friends on Wall Street.
What I'm saying is they're SuperPacking Heat.
And here is a woman Mitt killed.
But that was an attack ad you didn't build.
Stop. Obamatime.
The race is still in play.
So I gotta be careful about what I say.
And so, from the Australian nation,
I'll be introducing the Strine translation.
The Republican party in the debt ceiling fight.
Ravings of the eccentric, lunar right.
There are those who don't believe my birth certificate.
There are nut jobs on the internet.
To your guns keep on clinging.
To myself I'll be singing...
"I so in love with you."
What we need now is the Colbert Bump.
But, just for a minute lets all do the Trump.
Trump, Trump, Trump. Yeeeaah. Not bad, huh?
Hogan, this is the real American booking.
Do you smell what Barack is cooking?
Morning in America? Not quite.
It's pre-dawn, but we will soon see the light.
Financial straits remain dire.
You've got to remember I did not start this fire.
It was Notorious G.O.P.
And if you choose to vote for me,
I will not just call you maybe.
I am ready to go all the way, baby.
That promise will be fulfilled.
So join this chorus, you didn't build.