Tagged: Music
Finally spring in #Winnipeg
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I don't think I've had so many "omg why do I live here?!" moments as I have over the past few weeks when our weather has been bouncing back and forth from almost-spring to nope still winter.
But I still love this town.
Tonight we're going to wash the car for the first time (!!!), make amazing home-made pizza with fig jam, arugula and goat cheese on it, and do some low-key hang outs with friends.
I'm unbelievably stoked about it, so here's my favourite springtime-related (kinda) song from one of my favourite musicals.

Frank Turner stole my heart and I think that's okay
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I've been needing new music in my life lately.
Scratch that.
I've been needing new music in my life lately new everything in my life lately.
Maybe it's the never-ending winter or my looming exams or my mounting student loan bill but it's been a bit tough to look on the bright side lately. I'm a cynic by nature and I've been working on it but things feel stale, stagnant... I'm waiting for the change I know is coming and it can't get here fast enough.
Good to remember this today:
Just had a cup of Earl Grey but shouldn't have. I need to go to bed soon, I've got my two exams tomorrow basically back-to-back and my hand is going to be a shrivelled claw by the end of my 6+ hour writing marathon. Essay-style exams are the best because I'm good at them, but the worst because they're so physically draining. Word up to my rhetoric peeps!
Beers afterward with Colin and Adrian at the Toad in the Hole afterward though. It's going to be well-deserved and it's going to be good. Tweet @ me if you'd like to come by and say hello!
Hip Hop Sunday #70 Big Punisher ft Joe - Still Not a Player
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How much do you guys miss 90's rap right now?
Hope this one stirs up some happy thoughts.
Enjoy your hip hop Sunday.
Where does the time go?
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Is it just me or is this week flying by?Spent all of yesterday hanging at Vine Multimedia HQ and was unbelievably busy. I took the photos to create this gif in-between eating my salad and writing some blog content but didn't even have the time to post it.

After work I spent the evening at Kat's and she whipped up her take Bún Thịt Nướng and it was delicious. Having some midweek lady-hangs was really nice as well!

I've been on a crazy Rebecca and Fiona kick lately, especially since we've gotten our new car. This track is so good for zipping around to, I'm not ashamed to say Tyrone and I have definitely had car dance parties listening to it.
Today I'm attempting to get some studying done with basically no luck. It's impossible when you have a super-cute kitten looking for your attention. Cat lady problems!
Happy Humpday!
happy friday
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have some wine
have a greasy grilled cheese
and relax
(it's what I'm doing & I promise you it works)
it's the weekend, mofos.
enjoy it.
the story of your red right ankle
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is a line of a song by the decemberists that I like a lot, even though it makes me sad.
the first time I heard the decemberists was when I was living in hamilton and I had no idea who I was.
which sounds silly but it's true. I didn't know then and I knew it but I wasn't ready to admit it.
such is life, and youth.
it was the day after my birthday and it was cold and grey and shitty outside
I was waiting for my boyfriend who I was living in hamilton with and
I think
didn't really know who he was, either.
how could we, after all.
he had gone to a restaurant attached to a mall to go get his sweater which he had left there the night before
when we had gone out for dinner and drinks with friends for my birthday.
I don't remember what I ate but I know it was mediocre
it was one of those types of restaurants. not a montana's or a moxie's or an earl's.
but one of those places that feigns being a decent restaurant but isn't. the same kind.
I did shots of sambuca which were awful and I hate cinnamon but I hated my life more
at least, I realize in retrospect
and ate my mediocre dinner and smiled and was uncomfortably aware of the hole in my heart
I was trying to fill with booze and shitty food
and missed my home, even though I'd spent years trying to leave.
so the next day after my boyfriend forgot his sweater in the restaurant
when I found myself sitting alone in his car
hungover and miserable
listening to the radio do one of those countdown shows when red right ankle came on
I cried in hamilton
not for the first time.
Hip Hop Sunday #64 Miguel - Kaleidoscope Dreams
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much needed weekend in.
spent most of it so far on schoolwork
completed 2 papers, 1 proposal, 17 pages of transcribing (whew)
did 2 workouts
had 2 amazing dinners (sushi on friday, nachos on sat)
watched 2 movies (jiro dreams of sushi & der weisse band)
it's time to take a day off 'cause this weeks been a bitch, kinda
relax & chill the f out
and enjoy
hiphop sunday.
hope you do too, xox
it's been a long week, so here ya go
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enjoy this gem from January of last year that I randomly stumbled across
featuring some dashingly awesome peeps doing a (debatably) awesome cover of a definitely awesome song.
how time flies.