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Hip Hop Sunday #60 Cadence Weapon - 88 (Grimes Prod.)

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slept on the couch last night not because we had a fight but because the bedroom was too cold

and tyrone was snoring and farting and I was all eff this noise and lay down with the laptop in the living room with some TNG on the tv

problem with late-night internet cruisin'

is you always wind up in the weirdest places


I don't even want to talk about the things I saw

and the things people make into gifs (why?!)

so instead I'll just say

happy hip hop sunday.

today's confessions

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stole change from the laundry dish for two bus trips (bad)

thought mean things about the girl who carded me at the LC cause I'm stupid and forgot my ID (bitch)

thought mean things about myself because I forgot my ID (idiot)

read some blogs but didn't comment (sorry)

talked about masturbating in front of an old person (awkward)

masturbated (twice)

talked about masturbating on the internet (once)

didn't email my mom back (oops)

spent too much time reading reddit (normal)

spent too much money on grapes ($5!!)

spent too much money on alcohol ($30)

complained too much about the weather (it's winter)

didn't commit to making plans with friends (@cenquist and @adriantrimble)

wrote a shitty blog post (it happens).

tomorrow's another day.

This is the first thing that I saw on the Internet this morning

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(via Reddit, o'course)
"My whole family is wondering why this binder with two squids inside was left on my my porch" 

I think it means it's going to be a good day

blizzard be damned!

there's a spot on campus where I like to sit

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I come and sit here whenever I can. it's a four-person table but it's always just me and like most of the tables in this little seating area in Lockhart Hall the chairs are attached to the tables by metal poles and swival a bit.

like being in an academic mcdonalds.

I like sitting here because I can watch everything. to my right is a window

(and I always sit with the window to the right and my back to the wall. I don't like when people walk behind me)

the window overlooks boring stuff. a surface parking lot and the Booth College across from that and some sidewalks but because it's sidewalks around the school there are always interesting people walking by or driving by in cars that look like different kinds of dinosaur heads.

if I don't look out the window I eavesdrop and watch other students while pretending to write on my blog (like now).

I like listening to other people but my earphones are in playing a quiet BNL song so I'm sort of in my own world but not really. this way only the people worth paying attention to, the loud or obnoxious or angry ones actually catch my attention.

for example two girls at the next table over were having a discussion about horoscopes which meant the volume went up. another friend showed up and started talking about how her mom thought she was an alcoholic because she brought a bottle of vodka in her purse to class.

headphone volume down.

I spend a lot of time here studying and writing and listening and watching people. in three years I've sat here more times than I can count and it never stops being interesting.

what it's taught me is that people are infinitely complex with really dramatic problems that usually have simple solutions.

that there are some really well-dressed people who walk by my school.

that more students have imacs than anything else.

that boiled eggs are not okay to eat in a public place (smelly).

that lots of people are unhappy in their relationships and would rather complain to their friends than to their partners.

that we all drink too much coffee.

and that an unbelievable amount of women have the exact same voice. wtf.

one of the residents at my work received a plaque

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it commemorates his years serving in the RAF during WWII.

he signed up when he was 18, in 1939.

he flew four different planes in four different battles

and survived being shot down by the enemy four times

and says that he won't talk about killing anybody

in a way that lets you know that he did.

he's lived in canada for a long time and has also served in the RCAF

he gets lots of visitors who he's instructed and helped over the years

they pick him up, take him to appointments, get his groceries

and every one of them has a story about how he helped them

at least once or twice.

it's really nice to see someone surrounded by so much love in their old age

if only we could all be so lucky.

people are cray

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case in point, the alex jones aka the crazy person who was on CNN a few days ago yelling at Piers Morgan and then posted an even crazier video afterwards about how he thought he was being followed and going to be murdered by crackheads.

or something like that, I only read the huffpo article in brief because I can't handle listen to peeps who talk say stuff like that. people who believe that chemtrails are bad and that there's a secret gov't conspiracy for everything just blow my mind.

like yeah, the gov't is probably orchestrating a lot of stuff behind yr back, but it's the gov't and they've been doing that since the time when they were first established. thing is, the stuff they're orchestrating probably isn't the stuff you're raving about on your youtube channel or on yr radio show which is apparently really popular?

which just goes to show that people will listen to anything as long as it's radical and scary.

I keep waiting for this guy to pop up and be all

omg guys jk I don't actually believe all that ridiculous stuff

which will be the greatest prank in recent history.

but somehow I doubt that'll happen.

nobody has blogs

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which freaks me out.

one of my profs asked today if anyone has a blog and I was the only one who put up my hand. this is the third time that's happened this year and I'm developing a bit of a complex about it because when I do everyones heads turn and they look at me like I'm this antiquated freak.

who do I think I am? why am I putting my thoughts on the Internet?

one girl asked me if I got paid to do it and I said if she meant was that how I made my living, no, and she said well then what's the point? and that bothered me.

I remember back when it was cool to blog, back when everyone had one and I was just starting to get into them because I had shitty dial-up until like '06 because I lived at my parents house and as a result doing basically anything was a huge hassle. I found out about it because my friend kira wrote a blog at manicidosyncratic.blogspot.com that she used to be obsessed with that isn't around anymore.

I started a blog because I envied how easily she seemed to talk about everything in her life. she just put it out there, boom. typed and hit 'publish' and maybe regretted it but the blog never saw that. she had connections with these equally interesting, thoughtful and crazy writers all who she communicated with all the time. she had public fights and falling-outs and flame wars and it was amazing to watch, this brilliant and beautiful girl that I knew making her mark on the blogosphere.

do we still call it that?

nobody in any of my 'communications' classes knew what it was.

that worries me.

especially because most of the blogs that I used to read that I considered to be "good blogs" have just become vehicles for promoting crap that they probably would never use in real life if someone wasn't paying them for it. I'm not saying I don't think it's okay to blog about a product you like, or an experience you were lucky enough to have comped but if that's all a blog is -just a place to advertise stuff without any actual heart, soul or thought that otherwise goes into it- is that still a blog?

or is it just a commercial with a blogger's face slapped onto it?

I think that's what has ruined blogging. nobody wants to share their lives or be frank or sad or angry or drunk or fucked up anymore because there's the possibility of getting a blinged-out necklace or a car for the weekend or a trip somewhere if you just sell your soul & your integrity off to the highest bidder a post at a time. heaven forbid that there's an actual person underneath all that jargon with something real to say.

which is what we used to want to see.

which I think is why a lot of blogs -the good blogs- have died out. been privatized or shut down because the people who give a shit about writing feel like there's no point in putting it out there because if so-and-so is going to an MTV party once a week who wants to hear about what I did on the weekend or what I thought about a movie or whatever.

I think that's why people who don't write blogs don't know about blogging except for the Jenna Marbles' of the world (which is mostly vlogging but that's a different story) which is a damn shame because it's these everyday people that should be blogging in the first place. it's their experiences that make blogging important and interesting, not what the same six people did at the same party which they all attended every weekend for the past year.

maybe it's because I came late to the party, but blogging means something different for me. which is why I still do it.

which is why I wish you did, too.

but with the attention people pay to blogs these days, I doubt you even finished reading this.

canadians skating

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how predictable.

I like skating a lot but I suck at it and we never go because I don't own skates like a true canadian girl and also because tyrone has bad luck with rental skates. in the background of the above photo you can see him and john going back up the stairs from the river (which I am sitting on underneath that bench) because tyrone's skates weren't supporting his ankles.

which they almost never do.

bro has serious issues with rental skates. they almost never fit properly which means our skate dates are pretty short-lived. like yesterday we got onto the ice and started skating and I was all

wait where's tyrone?

and I noticed him standing by a bush off to the side of the skating path looking sad

(he really is the cutest sometimes)

and so he went to go see about exchanging his skates for different ones with no luck because some dastardly kids stole a bunch of skates from the rental place the night before so they were low on skates and we were all 'omg who steals skates from the forks?' but those were the facts.

afterward we drank some soco and wine and played tag in the back lane, but you don't want to hear about that.

Hip hop Sunday #59 Adriano Celentano - Prisencolinensinainciusol (1974)

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okay so it's not hip hop

but it sounds like it

and it's definitely English

what do you recognize?

(happy hip hop sunday)

everybody's a little bit racist

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especially bill cosby.

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