Tagged: winnipeg

Yesterday I saw Father's Day at the Cinématheque

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but don't be intimidated by the fact that I saw it in a movie theatre with an accent aigu in the name because it wasn't as fancy as it sounds, though the Cinématheque it pretty much the best place to find indie movies and film festivals playing in Winnipeg.

but I'm not here to talk to you about the great independent movie theatre that I adore in my city, I'm here to talk to you about the amazing grindhouse flick that I saw there which is Fathers Day. I blogged about Astron 6 waywayway back in August 2010 when they were casting for male parts in the movie and then again when I had to turn down an offer to audition because I had so much ish going on which I am thoroughly kicking myself for it now. Fuck!

anyway Father's Day premiered at the Toronto After Dark Film Festival and here is what it won:
audience choice awards: best feature film
best hero
best kills
most original film
best trailer
best poster
and that's just one festival which should be indicative of the credit that the movie deserves. everywhere this movie went it got amazing reviews (some of which you can read here, here, here, here, here and I think you get the point. there's lots more where that comes from).

anyway you didn't come here to read about what other people think, you came here to read what I think and here it is:

the movie is full of people eating other people, vomiting, blood, gore, gross sex, hallucinations, jackets, dicks, lots of topless ladies and one naked dude and I loved every minute of it. the plot goes from being weird and ridiculous about a guy who goes around raping dads to somewhere totally bizarre and way more "wtf" in the 3rd act and manages to keep its shit together. which is saying something. on top of that it's really, really funny. Canadians know humor, what can I say.

what I love most about the movie though, which kind of makes me a suck, is the amount of love that clearly went into making it. you could tell that everyone involved with it was doing it because they supported their friends who were making something really fucking cool and original. it has the same 'labour of love' feel as The Mighty Boosh and Trailer Park Boys except with more penises, boobies and entrails. which is fine by me.

we took John and Kat to see it with us and John loved it as much as we did and Kat made a face and told me "it had funny parts" and then told me that gore makes her nauseous. but she told me that she knew when the gory parts were coming because of the music that would start up so she knew when to close her eyes while the rest of us were trying not to blink and miss anything.

so if you're in Winnipeg and you like grindhouse stuff and you want to support some talented local filmmakers Father's Day is running at the Cinématheque until Saturday March 24th so pick a time to go see it and then tell me what you thought because the more praise I hear about the film the less creepy I feel blogging about how great it is over and over and over.

and if you don't live in Winnipeg and you want to give 'er a watch, Troma should be releasing it on Blu-Ray and DVD on father's day. fuck yeah.

also make sure to go 'like' Astron 6's FaceBook page and troll the collection of articles and fan art they post there so you know I'm not the only one obsessing hard over this movie.

saw this great band last night

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called Sons of York

at a teeny tiny bar that you have to walk through the front part of a restaurant and down some stairs to get to that feels like a grotto and has Big Rock on tap and was filled with people in big parkas because it was effin' cold

Sons of York played for a bit as Sons of York but also played as Teenage Mutant Ninja Band for their 90s cover show which is what Kevin and Rhonda and I were there to see which was also awesome.

they played Weezer and RHCP and some other stuff which was also good, but I forget what because I'm kind of in a rush right now

creep on Sons of York here, here and here

which you should do because they're really, really good.

oh and 5 Fifty Five Osborne please get a website or FB page or something together so I can creep your shows, pls.

I'm outta here guyse, we've got a ride waiting outside.

happy saturday.

get inspired

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after spending an evening hanging with great people, eating great food and having great conversations last night I woke up at 8:30am feeling great and spent the next few hours lying in bed with Tyrone, just hanging out. he's playing Professor Layton and I read on my iPad and we drink coffee and chat and it's really becoming important to me to get at least one morning a week in where we can just exist together before we have to go face the world.

we went to The Forks today and it was jam-packed, there's an art festival and auction going on so one of the main atriums was filled with people painting, sketching, and basically creating all kinds of wonderful unique art.

we stopped at Tall Grass Prairie and grabbed some bread, bannock and at Fenton's for some really fancy cheese for the wine, cheese & silly outfit party with @cenquist, @dponticelli and more tonight.

we've both been hard at work getting stuff prepped for MEME this year it's crazy. I've been doing a ton of research about new ways to get people involved and excited about the festival and Tyrone has been building & planning nonstop for the visuals (it's going to be insane, I promise) and it's really great to be so inspired lately.

saw this vid today that @JFratthe posted earlier featuring Will Smith which basically just reaffirms how I've been thinking lately. usually I think celebs inspiring you is a bit silly (since most of them suck) but the fresh prince has always seemed to have his head on straight.

gotta go pack the onesie for the party!


did I tell you smoky tiger rocked our socks the other night?

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actually to be correct they rocked the collective socks of everyone present at The Standard as they, bathed beneath glaring red/orange light covering nothing but Nirvana and The Doors songs with some banter in between.

usually they sing songs about Manitoba and weird Canadian history stuff but tonight was extra-special because they covered amazing songs sung amazingly by other people before them

and guys they rocked it

there isn't much room for dancing at The Standard but some people were cutting rugs but not your hero because I'm too self-conscious to dance all slow to slow Nirvana songs and not wound up enough to jump around all mosh-like to the fast Nirvana songs

and do you even dance to The Doors or do you just sit around and smoke joints and drink beers and listen and be amazed? because I've never seen anyone dance to The Doors

but I saw people dancing to Smoky Tiger singing The Doors while wearing a tiger hat with paws on a Saturday night

and that's close enough for me.


found ice on our pillows last night

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for srs. ice.

I can't wait for it to warm up

we have errands to do today

this is what I'll look/feel like:

can't wait for next week



a lot of people dump on Winnipeg

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because, okay, it's not a "cosmopolitan city" and our skyline needs work, I know

but we have a wicked phallus bridge that looks cool

and, okay, we don't get lots of cool, huge concerts all the time because we're kind of in the middle of nowhere

but our isolation means that we raise some wicked-talented people

and okay, the older generation are obsessed with moving into the suburbs and avoiding downtown at all costs

even though our downtown is actually awesome, and The Village is is the second highest-densely populated neighbourhood in the country

and, okay, building a megamall out in Tuxedo by the new IKEA that you have to have a car to access because it's designed so you have to drive from one part of the mall to another is really stupid

but at least we'll finally have access to snazzy Swedish furniture

and, okay, the Jets aren't doing so well, even though the whole city except me is obsessed with them and cheers nonstop and cares SO MUCH about hockey

it's still fun to watch over beers at The Yellow Dog, right?

and, okay, our mayor is a total jerk who does sketchy shit and kicks children in the face

but you know what?

we're tough, here in the 'Peg

because it's minus fucking forty-five today and we go about our business like it's nothing

none of you sissies in Toronto or Vancouver could handle this.

had to go outside tonight

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the weather called to me

it said

"it's above zero in January, if you stay inside you're an idiot"

so we set out in search of a good cup of coffee

and played around on a bridge shaped like a penis

in the middle of the city.

over a river not even half-frozen

we watched the ice slide by beneath us

and pretended like we'd never been scared of falling in.

crazy neighbour moved out yesterday

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it's a post-Christmas miracle.

I've been dealing with this crazy woman since I moved in two years ago, back when she harassed my old roommate for smoking outside on the front step (& having the occasional stoop beer with me). one time after chewing him out she baked him cookies which was weird, so we thought maybe she just had a crush on him or something.

see that's the funny thing about this chick. she had a way of chewing you out and making you feel like you were the problem, not her, and no good tenant wants to out themselves as potentially being bad tenants. so we stayed quiet as she would stop us going in/out of our suite and the building to let us know that our friends were too loud, we were too loud, our feet were too loud, whatever.then he moved out, Tyrone moved in, and she turned her sights on us.

on Halloween she stopped us each individually to say that she "hoped we weren't planning on having people over for Halloween", and that we should "get together at other people's houses" because her schedule is different than ours.

she showed up at our place one Sunday morning accusing us of having people over the night before because there had "been people coming and going until 3am" the night before, even though we had spent the night at a friends place and weren't even home.

the final straw(s) came when she tried to evict the woman living above her because her she could hear her cat walking around, and she took showers at 6am in order to get ready for work which woke her up.

she had apparently lived in our building for nearly a decade, switched multiple apartments, and still managed to harass and bother every tenant in the building regardless of how much noise they did (or didn't) make, and where her suite was. it just goes to show how alienated you can feel living in a building full of other people, all dealing with the same, private problem if you're made to feel like you're the only one at fault.

as we were returning from our errands yesterday she was standing in front of her door with her parents talking to them and I had to laugh at the dirty look she gave me, because in the end nearly every tenant in the building wrote letters to our rental agency. I wrote two. I wonder if she knows.

whatever. good riddance.

Hip Hop Sunday # 23 - Bastard - Occupy These Streets

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"Winnipeg hip hop artist Jeremy Hughes, aka Bastard, performed this tribute to the worldwide Occupy protests live on CKUW University of Winnipeg radio on October 21, 2011."

big ups, Bastard! :)

get informed: OccupyWallSt.org


Pat Martin dropped the f-bomb on Twitter today

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for you non-Winnipeggers Pat Martin is the New Democrat MP for Winnipeg Centre (my riding! big ups!) and has been the MP here for nearly fourteen years. lots of people don't like him because, admittedly, he's known for being a bit of a loudmouth, as was demonstrated during this exchange on Twitter just now that has a lot of people getting upset:

I'm sorry... no matter how unprofessional it may be, it's still the best response ever. I think it's great.

Now I understand that profanity is an iffy thing, even in social media, and that saying "fuck you" directly isn't the most 'professional' way to handle it, but when someone tries to go about trolling you by dragging religion into it, frankly I can totally understand why he said it. You can't feed the trolls, the best way to deal with them is to deal with them quickly and directly, which the response certainly was.

And let's be honest: despite being a loudmouth Pat Martin is undefeated in his riding since he was first voted in, so obviously people appreciate that there's someone out there with the balls to say what needs to be said, even if he may not always be diplomatic in saying it.

@shawncarthy sums it up best:

You can follow tweets from my badass MP here: @PatMartinMP


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