Tagged: winnipeg
Winnipeg Transit strikes again
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which isn't unusual but every time I use the bus to go somewhere I don't normally go and it doesn't work out I'm still surprised a little bit.
Shouldn't I be a pro at this by now?
No matter how prepared and neurotic and careful I am I almost always wind up getting totally screwed over by the terrible bus service here.
I even checked stupid Navigo service for the bus stop I needed to wait at and took a photo on my iPhone to be sure.
Stop 61119. 10:38am. Westbound Innovation at Research.
(Who names these idiotic streets, anyway?)
Got on the bus and it goes in the opposite direction and I wind up at St. Vital mall, where yr girl figures "maybe the bus will turn around and go the way that I need it to?" but figure since I've played this game with transit before I'd better ask the driver to be sure.
When I do, he laughs at me and says "oh no, after this stop my bus turns into a 91 and goes off into Southdale for an hour".
I tell him where I need to go (Waverley West, for you Winnipeggers still following along) and he says
"oh, there aren't any buses that go there when it's not peak traffic hours"
I don't know why I didn't expect that.
Free Stuff Day in Winnipeg
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Which I promise you is exactly what it sounds like: people put out boxes of stuff on their front lawns and randoms come by and look through it and potentially take it home.
It's also as sketchy and as awesome as it sounds.
You can find all sorts of stuff including ancient relics from a bygone era:
If you Google "free stuff day" Australia comes up first which means they might also have a similar deal, but the next on the list is Winnipeg which I guess is cool.
We didn't find anything on our free time adventure which was fine I guess. I'm always wary of picking up discarded stuff from people's front lawns anyway. Even if I pay $1 for something I feel a bit better about it, like I made a legitimate transaction or something.
Either way it was a good excuse to get some Thom Bargen Americanos and croissants and walk around for a few hours.
We saw some weird shit as per usual for Wolsley.
We were going to go out tonight but decided not to. Port at home plus Mother's Day plus a 9am run plus painting Kat's apartment kept us in.
Honestly it's been our first weekend "in" in months which I'm loving right now.
Kat came over and we had some port and wine and snacks and I'm loving my oldschool Matt Good and this half-assed attempt at blogging.
It's all about the little things in life, I tell you. Never forget that.
Technicolor fabrics
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Yo no hablo español, pero me gusta esta banda inconformista mexicana mucho y he estado escuchando a ellos sin parar últimamente.
Just kidding I don't speak Spanish. Blame Google translate for the shitty translation.
Anyway this is Technicolor Fabrics whom I love. They also sing some songs in English.
I listened to them while painting the kitchen over the past two days which not only reminded me that I can actually do stuff around the house but also demonstrated how disgusting my kitchen walls were. I've lived in my apartment for three years and they probably hadn't been painted in over a decade.
It was one of those situations where we started painting, saw the difference, and made faces like this:
Apartment problems for reals.
Besides boring apartment life tomorrow is the Winnipeg Wine Festival which btw is one of the highlights of my social calendar. Because we live stumbling distance from the Convention Center everyone comes over and has snacks and then we walk there, drink too much wine, stumble back and eat more food (natch).
Here are some photos from Wine Fests past (from 2009-2012):
Upon closer inspection it's also the one time a year I curl my hair, apparently.
But enough of my BS, it's almost the weekend!
Jam out kids, and don't do anything I wouldn't do!
Finally spring in #Winnipeg
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I don't think I've had so many "omg why do I live here?!" moments as I have over the past few weeks when our weather has been bouncing back and forth from almost-spring to nope still winter.
But I still love this town.
Tonight we're going to wash the car for the first time (!!!), make amazing home-made pizza with fig jam, arugula and goat cheese on it, and do some low-key hang outs with friends.
I'm unbelievably stoked about it, so here's my favourite springtime-related (kinda) song from one of my favourite musicals.
The Vine Team vs. Habitat for Humanity Amazing Foot Rally
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This morning some of the coolest kids you know (three of which work for the coolest company around and one of which is a kickass #CreComm student) got up early and participated in the Habitat for Humanity Amazing Foot Rally.It was an amazing time, thanks to all of the volunteers and organizers who organized such a fun and unique event!
Images and Vine via @MoskalElectric, @JackieDoming and yours truly.
PechaKucha the thirteenth
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this school kid doesn't usually go out on school nights
but nicole and joseph were speaking
and I'll always come out to support cool people
totally worth it.
I've been to a few PKN's but this one was by far the best.
we wore 3D glasses
drank tasty half pints lil scrapper
got a talking-to about legislation
were inspired to create positive change
listened to good music
(among other things).
afterward yr girl, tyrone, vanessa & jackson jammed to jay z in nicole's car
and I stuffed my face with greasy lil pizza heaven
(because I've worked out every day this week, dammit!)
perfect evening.
procrastinating saturday group skate-date post
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because remembering the weekend is to much more fun than another hour of transcribing interviews.
student probz.
dear vine multimedia
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this is hard for me to write.
it's hard because it's virtually impossible to explain why you like or admire something or someone in a blog without sounding like you're kissing their ass. and I don't wanna kiss yr ass.
I want to work for you.
I've spent a few scrapped blog posts figuring about how I was going to write about what I like about you in a way that my audience will still like to read. because this post, while directed at you, is still public. it's on my blog. my audience will read it.
that's a big deal to me. I don't blog about just anyone.
but then I realized that's why I would be a good fit for vine: because while I'm willing to work hard and dedicate myself to what I want, I'm not going to sell out or tell people (even you) what you want to hear if it isn't true. that's just not how I roll.
so here's what I think, vine. about you & me, and how I can help you shine.
you guys seem down to earth and confident in what you do. it's obvious after a quick look around your site. I imagine it's similar to how a discussion with one of your employees would be: chilled-out, unpretentious, and smart. nobody who had reservations about their quality of their work or of their ability to deliver would say 'don't be a jackass' to potential clients.
mostly though, I like that you're out do to good. and not in the google 'don't be evil' creepy way, but genuinely be good in so far as you're trying to give back to your community and the world at large. the concept of a social business is fascinating and forward-thinking. I like that. I want to be a part of it.
(let me take over your twitter feed. I'll make it one of the coolest in winnipeg. promise.)
you already know who I am. you're on my blog. you've probably checked out my twitter feed. you know I manage the social media for the manitoba electronic music exhibition and I'm good at using the Internet to suit my needs. I know how to find & share information. I'm a damn good writer. I'm creative and outgoing and full of baklava (pictured). I can bring the skills I've learned both through hard work and study and apply it to suit the needs of vine clients.
some of my twitter followers have nicknamed me the 'queen of the Internet'.
I want the opportunity to show you why.
baby you know if I could be anything at all
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I'd be an actor in musical theatre production like ASSASSINS! which I saw last week while out on a fun friday night date.
okay yeah sure being a surgeon would be ballin, cuttin' people open and saving lives and stucking my hands into their warm, squishy inside parts.
and taking people skydiving would be cool, strappin' 'em to me and being like 'we're falling out of this plane right away, you scurred?' and then jumping like a boss.
but honestly all I wanna do
is sing and dance and tell a little story
and move some people a couple nights a week.
problem is
I can't sing
or dance
so I'll have to stick to writing a wicked blog instead
while secretly listening to broadway jamz in my earbuds
dreaming of the stage.
no hot water dilemma
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keep running the water and hope it gets hot
turn off water & try again later
keeping fingers crossed
text caretaker about the problem
run the water like he'll tell me to
feel like an ass when the water finally gets hot
just like I did last time.