Posts by admin

Had a dream about Rob Ford last night

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and my parents and brothers were there and for some reason we were touring his house which of course was in Toronto, even in my dream.

He had this wife who kinda looked like Sandy Hogan which was weird because 1. I've never seen The Hogan Family and 2. I've never seen Rob Ford's wife

(I'm assuming he's married but I dunno, who marries someone like him?)

Anyway we were walking around "his house" getting a tour for some reason

-maybe we won a contest or something-

and it was this super dumpy stucco monstrosity with trash and clothes and cardboard boxes everywhere.

I went into the garage and there was all this hockey stuff

(net, sticks, goalie pads, etc)

and I was all

"Rob Ford you can't even run, wtf do you have this for?"

and he was all

"I used to be an NHL star but I ate too many hams so I had to quit the team

now I'm the mayor of TO instead"

and we left Rob Ford's house and walked through his 'hood

there were people yelling and fights on the street and it was kinda scary

and I remember my dream-self thinking

"poor Rob Ford

If I had to go through life being you, I'd probably smoke crack too"

What's funny is that when I woke up I still felt the same way.

Worth remembering

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Taken in tornado rubble in Moore, OK

May Long

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IMG_6600Okay so it rained all weekend (of course) and was windy and cold and there was still a ton of ice on the lake, but we made the best of it and had a blast anyway.



IMG_6623It just made sense to go out and climb around on the ice before it got too dark. The mist rolled in and the rain started and it was intense.
IMG_6629Hope your long weekend was just as wonderfully relaxing and entertaining as mine was.

Can you believe we have to go back to work tomorrow? Even though it's been raining for four days it still feels like the weekend just started. Sigh.

Hip Hop Sunday #72 Massive Attack feat. Mos Def - I Against I

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Spent the night at Will's cabin with my besties yesterday. It rained but it didn't matter, we climbed on ice on the lake and sang songs and BBQ'd.

Sitting around the fire drinking a beer I couldn't help but think to myself

I'm so lucky

Still feeling that way, in fact. Happy, exhausted & lucky as hell.

Hope you're enjoying your (long weekend) hip hop Sunday.



Winnipeg Transit strikes again

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which isn't unusual but every time I use the bus to go somewhere I don't normally go and it doesn't work out I'm still surprised a little bit.

Shouldn't I be a pro at this by now?


No matter how prepared and neurotic and careful I am I almost always wind up getting totally screwed over by the terrible bus service here.

I even checked stupid Navigo service for the bus stop I needed to wait at and took a photo on my iPhone to be sure.

Stop 61119. 10:38am. Westbound Innovation at Research.

(Who names these idiotic streets, anyway?)

Got on the bus and it goes in the opposite direction and I wind up at St. Vital mall, where yr girl figures "maybe the bus will turn around and go the way that I need it to?" but figure since I've played this game with transit before I'd better ask the driver to be sure.

When I do, he laughs at me and says "oh no, after this stop my bus turns into a 91 and goes off into Southdale for an hour".


I tell him where I need to go (Waverley West, for you Winnipeggers still following along) and he says

"oh, there aren't any buses that go there when it's not peak traffic hours"

I don't know why I didn't expect that.

Meet Barbara

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The new lady in my life.

She's the replacement to my other bike, the love of my life, Vikki, who was the other half to Vance, Tyrone's bike. They matched and were his & hers and it was wonderful until I got hit by some woman in an SUV who pulled out of a back lane looking at traffic going the other way (she wanted to cross the street and turn) at the end of last summer.

It was horrible and I was heartbroken. I missed my bike.

Luckily yesterday I was able to snag my new girl for a paltry sum of $30 (!!!) which is cheap, cheap, cheap, kids.

I took her out for a nice, solid 16km ride this evening and I'm happy to report she rides like a dream.

It's going to be such a good summer, it's making me a bit emotional to think about.


Things that appalled me about "The Queen of Versailles"

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All of it.

But I still recommend that you watch it in order to experience the monumental amount of materialism, self-indulgence and wastefulness portrayed in the film, along with the complete lack of class, good taste and modesty, as well as the warped vision of the 'American Dream' that it displays.

Free Stuff Day in Winnipeg

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Which I promise you is exactly what it sounds like: people put out boxes of stuff on their front lawns and randoms come by and look through it and potentially take it home.

It's also as sketchy and as awesome as it sounds.

You can find all sorts of stuff including ancient relics from a bygone era:

If you Google "free stuff day" Australia comes up first which means they might also have a similar deal, but the next on the list is Winnipeg which I guess is cool.


We didn't find anything on our free time adventure which was fine I guess. I'm always wary of picking up discarded stuff from people's front lawns anyway. Even if I pay $1 for something I feel a bit better about it, like I made a legitimate transaction or something.


Either way it was a good excuse to get some Thom Bargen Americanos and croissants and walk around for a few hours.

We saw some weird shit as per usual for Wolsley.


We were going to go out tonight but decided not to. Port at home plus Mother's Day plus a 9am run plus painting Kat's apartment kept us in.

Honestly it's been our first weekend "in" in months which I'm loving right now.

Kat came over and we had some port and wine and snacks and I'm loving my oldschool Matt Good and this half-assed attempt at blogging.

It's all about the little things in life, I tell you. Never forget that.


- by admin

tried Modern Taco for the first time

drank beers on a Friday afternoon


listened to the Great Gatsby soundtrack on repeat

danced in spring rain

got my first cheque from Vine

worked out at least once every day

had a wine buzz

bought a badass mink coat for $50

landed a new job

and loved.

Every minute of err'y damn day.

Good things do happen.

Happy Friday

- by admin


Chillin' here at Vine HQ gettin' stuff did.

Enjoying the shit out of life right now (hope you are too).

So do a little dance cause the weekend's almost here (yay).

Have a drink (or two).

Hang out with someone you love (this means you, Tyrone!)

And enjoy the following video:

Because David Byrne's moves are incomparable.

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