Tagged: videos-2
I live here now
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okay not really but it feels like I do. classes end last week(ish) and I'm stressin' hard about getting everything handed in on time which is stupid because most of it is done/on the way to being finished and how hard is it to write a couple of papers, really? not hard at all. but papers combined with two exams on the same day have me crawling up the walls and probably driving poor Tyrone insane with my manic stressing-out, I can't wait for this term to be done so I can spend a month working and playing video games and drinking beer in the n00d in the middle of the day.
manic panic thoughts.
time to dance it out.
Hip Hop Sunday #22 - Geto Boys: Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangsta
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the use of this song is one of the best parts of Office Space
besides the scene where they smash the printer
enjoy your Hip Hop Sunday
sometimes it's hard to get out of bed in the morning
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or a review with your boss that you aren't looking forward to having
it might be really dark & cold outside and you bed is the only warm place in your whole house
you might be heartbroken and the only option is to hide from it
maybe you ran out of coffee yesterday
or have a report you didn't write that's due
you might be over-tired
or depressed
but just remember
even after destroying any (very) slim chance he might have had at winning the GOP presidential nomination
Rick Perry still has to get out of bed in the morning
so suck it up.
I'm so out of touch with kids these days
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like for example
when did little kids start wanting to dress up as electronic music producers who dress up with big mouse heads?
when did they start listening to drum n bass?
and more importantly... why is an awful remix of Ghosts 'n Stuff being played at a children's Halloween dance?
I don't even know what's happening anymore.
this is what I looked like when I woke up today:
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this is what I'm listening to right now:
(except without the misogyny)
Enjoy your Saturday, skids!
Every night is an adventure
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even though I obviously don't remember all of my dreams, I always feel like I wake up remembering a significant portion of part of a dream story (regaling poor Tyrone with my weird dream-stories in the morning is one of my favourite things to do :))that's why I was happy to find this cool vid on Tumblr today:
this has felt like the longest week ever (again). being in school and working has a weird way of sucking up all your free time & energy and leaving you wondering where it all went. tonight Tyrone and I are going on a dinner & movie date and we're seeing this and I am excited.
this is how I feel right now :)
Some ways I can make today better:
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Listening to my favourite Chilly Gonzales track.
eating ice cream (but not this much or I'll get sick)

getting hugs from this fine gentleman:
and crying.
I said goodbye today
to someone who means the world to me
my heart is breaking
and all I can do
is tell you that I love you
and be glad that we still have each other
Welcome to my office
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it's gloomy outside but I'm all sunshine in here. got a coffee with my boss first thing this morning and worked on some hand-outs listening to This American Life all morning. love that show, Ira Glass is one of my heroes.
had a session today where I helped the sweetest lady look up the tiny town in Italy that she grew up in. she hadn't been back to visit in over 45 years and started to cry when we found her elementary school because she was so happy to see it. it's reasons like that why I love The Internet.
last night Tyrone and I had a home-made pizza party.

plus I got a massive hunk of prosciutto for only 9$ :)
busy day today. have another training session in ten minutes and a jam-packed afternoon followed by class this eve. this is my jam today:
don't say I've never done anything nice for you
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because after sharing that piece of grilled cheese video wisdom you can't ever be mad at me again.
This is my pretty friend Rhonda
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she's standing in front of a mural at Nuit Blanche in the Manitoba Museum.
the museum was a 'dry event' which we didn't know about and decided to make the best of it by traipsing around the museum half-cut which was great until we went on The Nonsuch and I found out it never even sailed the seas (!!!) and Rhonda got yelled at for touching a rope so we booked it out of there asap.
last year's Nuit Blanche was substantially better for me considering we actually got in to the WAG unlike this year where there was a lineup 400 people deep by 10:30pm. riiiight. we tried to sneak into Stella's but our waiter half-confronted us and Shawna said "oh we came in through that door" (obvious back door) so that didn't go too well. I spoke to some peeps on campus today and some people waited an hour and a half to get in to the WAG are you kidding me? unreal.
in hindsight we could have gone to the party that was apparently happening in the Exchange District but to be perfectly honest none of us knew what was going on down there which is odd since Tyrone and I spent a good chunk of time trying to plan an itinerary which was consequently ruined by the dry event we didn't know was a dry event.
ideally next year will be more of a success and we will camp out at the WAG all night and just not leave like we did last year (should have learned our lesson).
I worked all day and had class all night and am tired and worn our and cranky can you tell?
Tyrone is getting frustrated with Super Paper Mario so I am going to go console him here is a video to make up for all my whining: