Tagged: videos-2
one of my profs has a beef with crows
- by admin
he said this during a lecture once: let's talk seriously for a second about birth control for crows and yes it's weird and he's weird which is why his class is great, but he was talking about how crows are supersmart and wily and it worries him.ever hear about those crows that use cars to crack nuts?
wtf is up with that?
there are lots of crows that hang around in my neighbourhood and some of them are downright intrusive. they'll hang around in front of our windows (we're on the 3rd floor) and yell at us or come right up to you while you're standing on the front stoop and give you mean crow cut-eye like they own the place.
personally they make me nervous, birds that are that smart are bound to figure it all out eventually.
I mean c'mon this crow figured out how to go tubing
baby you know I love Fridays
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spending my day teaching excel to seniors like a boss
and bringing home the bacon
cause when you spend all week
takin names & poppin (Tylenol Extra Strength) caps
eventually you've gotta make a break for it
this weekend's going to be all about relaxing
chilling with Tyrone and some friends
having some drinks & watching sports (who knew?)
and getting my groove on
but I'll still come back and blog for you, baby
because I love ya
and I know you want some 'o this
so make the best of your two days off
see a movie, wash your car, eat an entire pizza
spend some time with your friends
and someone you love
just make sure you enjoy it
happy weekend
Shaner out.
my best job ever
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was in a video game store
retail really sucks
but working in a video game store is pretty sweet
I worked with cool people
and got to talk about something I loved all day
we had midnight launches
and people got all crazy around christmas
it was super fun
but of course I was young
and stupid
and totally didn't realize what a jackpot I'd hit
because I was the girl in the video game store
don't worry I'm not doing a year in review
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nobody needs to read more of those
so instead I've found some cool stuff to leave you with as I sign off on 2011 and look towards 2012

and some videos:
Okay, it's time to start partying. See you kids in 2012!
Happy New Year everyone!
remember back before The Internet?
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yeah I try not to, eitherthose were much darker days, without 4chan and reddit and 2 girls 1 cup
okay maybe we could do without that last one

last night we watched a flick called 'Streets of Fire'
with hot 18yr old Diane Lane & Willem Dafoe in leather overalls
and 80s power ballads
which we fist-pumped & lip-synced to from the couch
and afterward Tyrone was all like
"hey wanna see something weird?"
and told me that when he was a kid he was watching Inspector Gadget
and his sister put on a Bonnie Tyler LP
and they matched up
and thanks to the magic of The Internet
I can show you
what Tyrone and his sister discovered
before The Internet.
so mute & watch this:
working between Christmas and New Year's is tough
- by admin
these cats are a good approximation of the
happening at work today
(I'm the one sitting in the bowl, obvs)
it's hard to pry yourself away from leftover food
leftover booze
presents that still feel new
and sleep
to make some mulah to afford to go all-out in a few days
for New Year's
this time of year is rough.
I have a great boyfriend
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I know it's not nice to brag, so I won'tI'll just say that now that I know what I sound like (and I do)
I really need to start being nicer to him :\
what happened to you, America?
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how did you let people like this have a hand in running your country?
if Rick Perry replaced
"gays in the military"
"Blacks in the military"
"Jews in the military"
people would cry bloody murder
and not let him get away with it
here we are
when someone who is
a serious contender for the presidency of the United States
is spewing hate speech that normally would get you
expelled from school
beaten up
even killed
as part of his campaign?
I repeat:
what the hell happened to you, America?
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that's me right now, after a day of studying nonstop
one more day and I'll stop bombarding you guys with cop-out video/gif posts
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is have lunch with my dad this aft
study, study, study,
go to the gym
and study
here's one of the many jams I rock while cramming information into my cranium
(with an awesome video directed by Michel Gondry!)
exams time = crazy Alyson!